Cabal Open Beta

Currently playing on the Mercury Novice server anyone wanna join me my characters name is Jimbu at the moment everyone seems to be German. :p
Its the same as rf online the way your character runs and holds his weapon and the same boring grind, its no wow thats for sure.
worth a try tho but back to wow for me :)
I'm on Mars novice server. Char name is Biggus. :)

Loving this game so far - doesn't take itself too seriously, which is what I like in a MMORPG.
anyone had any problems with the install of this? it wouldnt install the cabal.exe over and i cant run it :(
Playing on Mercury, lvl 32 so far (force shielder which is quite slow levelling). I'm always on the war server though as it gives honour for kills.

If you have any troubles downloading the update, try downloading the file through bit torrent, theres a torrent file in the \update folder.

I personally enjoy the flashy effects, later on the aura's etc you get just look pretty cool. Most of the levels ive done so far have been completed through quests, and if you take the time to read it, quite a good story line i've heard.

EDIT- You are either on Mars or Mercury, channel makes no difference as you can switch between them with your char anytime. The channel is just there for what you want to do, eg trade/war/pve etc. If i go on the trade channels sometime, i'll look out for people on Mercury.
there are a few spelling mistakes here and there (remember this is a beta) and im sure you could translate an english game to perfect korean :rolleyes:
I was looking forward to trying this game but I am having the same problem as 70% of the other people trying to play - download the .dat files, stick them in the update folder and then the Updater thinks "hmm" and deletes your update files and tries to download them - which it cant because the download servers are down/rammed. Looks like I will be giving it a miss if they cant even get the updater working!

Its has been overloaded with people constantly - also the update I am trying to do is after downloading the update files with BitTorrent, which the Updater then decides to delete. Have a read of the offical cabal forums and you will see loads of people with the same problem! And to make it worse they have disabled user registration on the forums, so I cant ask for any help :/

Mp4 said:
disable antivirus software i take it you have nod32?

Yeah disabled NOD32 and it still doesnt want to install the .exe :(

anyone able to upload the cabal.exe anywhere if it isnt too big?
when i updated it didnt start the downloading straight away i jus closed it and opened it until it did.
from the Cabal forums

NOD32 Error:
what to do when you have NOD32

If you have NOD32 Antivirus program. Here's what to do, go to your NOD32 Control Center and under AMON, disable "File System Monitor (AMON)"
(thanks Rokkis)

(courtesy of sinshz)

Cabal.exe is not a vilid Win32 file!

You can fix this problem by reinstalling the game and copying Cabal.exe to somewhere safe. Then start Cabal. When that error occurs you just copy the safe Cabal.exe on that which was corrupted. After that you can play Cabal :)

1.After the installation dont run Cabal imediately but copy Cabal.exe for example to desktop.
2.Run Cabal.exe from your install directory
3.After that when update flash up and Cabal.exe will have Windows icon (and when you click it say something about Win32 error).Copy from desktop Cabal.exe to your installation folder (like copying a crack)
4.You can enjoy your game.
(by Aeterna)
Yeah it still protects you even though you close nod32 down its not totally closed :P well worth the £27 quid tbh
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