Cabal Open Beta

so realms are like different areas in each server? Which you can always travel to?

What server are you on? do you get to choose?

(85% :D )
I`m on mercury.

Pretty much each world (mercury or mars) has several channels which are basically multiple worlds for you to do your quests...etc in. Some are given titles like trade, party, novice..etc and some dont. IIRC you can join any channel with a character on that world, BUT you cant swap to another world.

i`m a level 11 force blader at the moment. Seems good so far, though a slight grind. I have to say that i found the learning curve in this better than WOW.
yeah you can join any channel within your server no problem, so far ive been on the war server 100% of the time (names and chat are encrypted) and about to hit lvl40
Im lvl 20 need to level up once more to get the growth requirements, i have completed all the previous level quests and can only kill to level up im half way and its gonna take :p
you dont necessarily have to level up, if you rank up on sword or magic you'll no doubt hit the requirements. The game tries to assume you've ranked up once by then.
If the updater deletes the files, delete the contents of the update directory, put the files in it, then run the updater. It'll work fine :)

Loving this game :) Far too addicted for my own good tbh.
Now made guild on mercury, tho you wont often see us as we're all on war server so we look like <(*")#&#> but on other channels its ComboInTheFace :)
if you think aura's are good, wait until you see a level 50 battlemode, the phrase 'over the top' just doesnt cover it for the koreans :D
Im level 12 or 13 still :D , been out last 1.5 days so no progress.

Quick question - im a force blader and i have tried using the combo attack special thingy, but the most i can string together seems to be 5/6 moves (and they are the 2 you start with and the other sword based attack that you can buy at novice 0). It does seem to do okayish damage, but is there any way to make it better? They talk about changing targets.etc, but im finding it hard to time the bar let alone change targets..etc at the same time!!

Im really liking this game so far, not as bad on the grind front as RF.

Are there any guilds i can join? Anim - could i join combointheface? if so, how?
Same looking to join a guild currently lvl 29 about to hit 30. The only way i know to ket multilple kills with the combo is the use the mouse to click and change target just as youve initiated a move that would kill them. Although it is hard ive gotten a few kills but it gets harder to do as the target on the bar gets smaller.

Tried the war server kept getting attacked by other people lol aint my taste especially over a quest monster. Whats up with the naming aswell? Everyone is named as numbers.
Jimbu said:
Tried the war server kept getting attacked by other people lol aint my taste especially over a quest monster. Whats up with the naming aswell? Everyone is named as numbers.

I think the names are meant to be encrypted so you dont know how is killing who. I dont really know the point though. I usually play on the novice server :D

[level 15 nearly 16 now]
Level 10 at the moment with a Blader or whatever they're called. Fairly enjoyable game with some very nice graphics/effects but why don't these games have a jumping control? :confused:

Like the idea of the timed dungeon "runs" though and the amount of instances that appear to be in the game, at least in the newbie zones.
As its beta i dont think we really mind who joins the guild, if we play retail it would turn in to a serious guild though. If you post your ingame name (on mercury) here i'll add you if you want tho be warned we all use vent so theres not much guild chat going on, war server n all that.


I've done better but less kills. That was me a while ago, level45 now.
Sounds good and I'd definitely be up for taking this serious after Beta ends, invite Trabius and I'm not afraid of using Vent. I was a TeamSpeak menace in EVE =]
Quite annoying how guild and buddy lists break every now n then, but its a beta so they are ironing out the bugs.
The worst part of the game so far IMO is when you have to kill a one of the leaders of a group to collect an item they drop. IE the armoured+ thing (cant remember its name) - it respawns every minute and a bit, there is only 1 (!!!) and even then it only has a chance to drop what your after and you need 5. Throw in 4/5 people doing the same quest and you feel like you just wasted 30 minutes of your life....

Overall though im still enjoying it. Level 25/26 now and im apprentice 3 for sword and apprentice 0 for magic. Nice to get some new skills to use :D
if you find its being camped on your channel, just switch to one of the other 6, you may find they are less populated and you have a free run at killing a few in a row without interruption. thats one of the nicest thigns about the channel system
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