I've considered doing one of these as usually I have 2 coffees and about 3 or 4 teas a day. Just seems like quite a lot but I wonder whether other people have more without any issue.
I do find that I can't get on at work in the morning unless I've had a coffee
Some people are less sensitive to coffee, so they can have more as they don't respond. I'm very sensitive to caffeine.
The reliance on caffeine or any substance isn't a good thing and not something I'm comfortable with. When you hear people say "I need to have a coffee to wake up in the morning", you are basically resigning to the fact you need a substance daily to function normally. The fact it's packaged up in a delicious coffee obfuscates the fact you are taking caffeine. I bet people would feel differently if they took caffeine in pill form, that'd soon realise how many pills they be poppin' to get the hit or feel normal.