Caffeine Detox Time

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Tomorrow I start another detox. God knows how many times I've done this now, but I do feel the time between detoxes is getting shorter.

I usually start my detox on a Sunday as I go for a morning run and that flushes the system and gives me a natural high to counter the lack of stimulants.

Genuine question (because I do this myself too), outside of the obvious "it's an addictive substance", and combined with the fact we know we're generally better/healthier/etc. off of caffeine, why in the hell do we keep coming back to it?

I've been reducing my intake to once a week in a third wave coffee shop, which I think I'm fine with, but every now and then I slip into grabbing a monster on the way into work, then I do it the next day because, well why not, and then the next day, and before you know it it's a habit again. Wish I could break the cycle, I love how much easier I sleep off it, and how much sharper I feel.
If decaf tasted *exactly* the same as caff, and had the same shelf life, and various properties of caff, I'd swap for decaf tea & coffee in a palpitated heart beat.
I'm nearly a week in with a detox from caffeine (well still having a bit via decaffeinated tea and cocoa powder). Mostly just a little bit tired all the time. I think initially there was a bit of a boost for sleep quality, overnight heartrate and HRV was a bit better too.
Genuine question (because I do this myself too), outside of the obvious "it's an addictive substance", and combined with the fact we know we're generally better/healthier/etc. off of caffeine, why in the hell do we keep coming back to it?

I've been reducing my intake to once a week in a third wave coffee shop, which I think I'm fine with, but every now and then I slip into grabbing a monster on the way into work, then I do it the next day because, well why not, and then the next day, and before you know it it's a habit again. Wish I could break the cycle, I love how much easier I sleep off it, and how much sharper I feel.

I find it easy to stay pretty much caffeine free because it make my beta blockers pretty pointless :cry: .

I do have to odd can of cola / caffeinated hot drink - but it's like once per few weeks now. I tend to drink decaff coffee (which I can't tell the difference anymore), redbush tea and coke zero zero, oh and water of course!
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As an ex smoker(long time ago) I found giving up Diet Coke harder much harder, not sure if its the caffeine or the other junk in it. But the headaches I got and the lethargy was really bad
I've actually been thinking of doing this myself, I've become a bit overly reliant on caffeine to get through workouts lately and it's to the point I'm taking a lot more than I'm comfortable with in one sitting.
There's an interesting video somewhere on the internet of a goat herd that eats coffee plants and then goes a bit crazy. It's the same effect in humans. If you're having to drink coffee or caffeine drinks to get through the day, then you really need to adjust your lifestyle, as it should not be required.
I've actually been thinking of doing this myself, I've become a bit overly reliant on caffeine to get through workouts lately and it's to the point I'm taking a lot more than I'm comfortable with in one sitting.

coming along for the withdrawal ride?

I always start my detox with a run in the morning.
coming along for the withdrawal ride?

I always start my detox with a run in the morning.

I think I'm going to have to tbh, been on my mind for awhile but seeing your post kicked me up the bum a bit.

I took poorly a month or two back and was struggling with certain sessions at the gym, there was a time I only bothered with caffeine once or twice a week or if going heavy. That turned into every session to force myself through it after the illness, I'm at a point now where 400-600mg does barely helps which really isn't healthy.
Imagine working in IT and drinking neither tea or coffee... That gets me some funny looks:D

A can of Monster and a Red bull chaser for breakfast.

First day with no caffeine today went well. Ran 7k this morning and the let the runners high + a cold shower power me through the day. I've had so much energy today it's wonderful. This always happens on the first day of no caffeine. It's like the body is in shock from no stimulants so pumps out it's own blend to keep me going.
day 2 gone well. Had a 15 minute power nap after an hour walk and now in the gym.

Picked up these to help with my cravings.

Basically water at this point :D
2 months clear (aside from whatever is in chocolate/cold and flu tablets I recently took).

Chocolate is definitely something I can't shake my cravings for. Need to have it daily!

Going to consider going off coffee again soon I think, down to one cup in the morning but I'm quite sensitive to it, so knocking that one on the head is night and day.
I seem to have just naturally cut my consumption right down over the last 6-8 weeks.
I was back at the point of 2-400mg a day pretty much daily and now I'll have 100mg every couple of days if I need a little boost.
Have I noticed any difference in anything, not really possibly a little more chilled which I've noticed mostly when someone does something stupid when driving.
2020 I gave up caffeine as part of a long campaign to try and get my sleep patterns healthy after 9 years of nightshifts. Despite being back on a dayshift for 3 years I had frequent headaches and anxiety to the point it felt like my head was going to explode. I also gave up alcohol and sugar apart from Saturdays when I treat myself to something sweet.

The first couple of months were hell but I've not taken any painkillers or had a headache in four years. I've not really been ill either. I don't miss alcohol at all, but I do miss the odd espresso and I'd kill you all for a Dr Pepper.

Now I don't have that caffeine crutch I'm rarely ever tired and have far more energy than I've had in the last 20 years. I certainly don't have the peaks and troughs anymore. I was watching a podcast Dr Amen that has scanned over 250,000 brains and states blood flow to the brain is reduced when we drink coffee, so I don't think it's the free pass everyone thinks.
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