Tomorrow I start another detox. God knows how many times I've done this now, but I do feel the time between detoxes is getting shorter.
I usually start my detox on a Sunday as I go for a morning run and that flushes the system and gives me a natural high to counter the lack of stimulants.
Genuine question (because I do this myself too), outside of the obvious "it's an addictive substance", and combined with the fact we know we're generally better/healthier/etc. off of caffeine, why in the hell do we keep coming back to it?
I've been reducing my intake to once a week in a third wave coffee shop, which I think I'm fine with, but every now and then I slip into grabbing a monster on the way into work, then I do it the next day because, well why not, and then the next day, and before you know it it's a habit again. Wish I could break the cycle, I love how much easier I sleep off it, and how much sharper I feel.