Call of duty Black ops 6

Had the same thing with direct x crashes, was running fine maxed out. But got to the mission at the party where you have to rescue Adler, got to the roof and crash. Direct X error message restarted and reloaded, same thing, could not continue, had to drop everything to the lowest settings to be able to continue and had to keep them to be able to play, so not sure what’s happening with it, seen suggestions it’s a Nvidia driver thing.
Played quite a bit last night. It's good seeing Nuke town back, feels good. Been playing with my Son. 1080ti keeps kicking me out with a DirectX error, 3-5 games, but typically just loading into the level or going back to menu.
Reduce the vram usage.
Regretting buying this. Takes an age to unlock weapon attachments and level up.
As val seems to be the best weapon and locked until you hit level 55.
Most people in game are well beyond 55.
The annoying after game celebrations and cut scenes add an extra minute of messing when a game is over, just let me get queded up for another game ffs
Regretting buying this. Takes an age to unlock weapon attachments and level up.
As val seems to be the best weapon and locked until you hit level 55.
Most people in game are well beyond 55.
The annoying after game celebrations and cut scenes add an extra minute of messing when a game is over, just let me get queded up for another game ffs

Got to drag out those Gamepass subs for as long as possible. Starfield had similar time wasting approaches. Games definitely getting designed with subs in mind.
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I'm glad it's on gamepass as I suspect I would be experiencing buyers remorse by now........... It's actually okay, I try not to take it too seriously as I know I can't compete with the sweats. I do notice though that nuketown the difficulty seems to go up a whole other tier so I am trying to avoid it at the moment. The high value target game mode is quite good I think.
Had the same thing with direct x crashes, was running fine maxed out. But got to the mission at the party where you have to rescue Adler, got to the roof and crash. Direct X error message restarted and reloaded, same thing, could not continue, had to drop everything to the lowest settings to be able to continue and had to keep them to be able to play, so not sure what’s happening with it, seen suggestions it’s a Nvidia driver thing.
I had it directx crash on an RX 6800 system. I keep losing all campaign save progress too. Not even going to bother playing it now.
DirectX Errors, I've managed to fix it. However, it's not an easy fix.

The problem is the latest update of Windows 11. I've installed Windows 10 22H2 on another SSD and played over 7+ hours without a crash at maxed out settings 1980x1200 with Vram around 79%

My Son who is on the latest version of Windows 11 does not encounter the issue (R7 3700x with a RX-6700XT) I'm running a 5800x with a 1080ti and before switching back to Windows 10 could not last up until the menu or a couple of games @ low.

Anyway - back to the game, Enjoying Nuke Town. I got sick of snipers on some of the smaller maps, so started spamming Smoke Grenades :D
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I was off ill from work last week for a few days so i took it as an opportunity to hammer the MP.

I now really like the movement but I don't like that the prone movement is now so good it kind of drives people to go prone in odd spots and camp.

I've prestiged once and I'm now level 24. Favourite weapons so far is probably the Goblin assault rifle as it is devastating in Hardcore but I've actually had the most kills with a pistol so far. The third one you unlock. Beyond satisfying getting long range headshots with pistols online.
Been playing Zombies, quite good fun. No crashes on my laptop (3600X/2080) though did have some graphical weirdness that looked like my screen was being sucked into a blackhole. It resolved itself.
Had the same thing with direct x crashes, was running fine maxed out. But got to the mission at the party where you have to rescue Adler, got to the roof and crash. Direct X error message restarted and reloaded, same thing, could not continue, had to drop everything to the lowest settings to be able to continue and had to keep them to be able to play, so not sure what’s happening with it, seen suggestions it’s a Nvidia driver thing.
Happens on AMD too. VRAM usage seems to get very high even at 1440p, I regularly see the driver reporting 15GB (16GB card).
More I play this the more something just isn't right I'm pumping full clips into folk and no death yet 2 shot I'm dead. Getting very irritating tbf. Maybe HC where I should concentrate

I’ve noticed the same but weird thing is it can happen mid-game, everything fine 1 minute then not and it’s very noticeable.
So great that this is on games-pass. The only issue I have is that the Cod account I have paid into over the years isnt the same one that my xbox is linked to - annoying there is no merge available.
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