Call of duty Black ops 6

The proliferation of more and more ridiculous cosmetics has put me off the last few games honestly. Going to give a campaign a go as I have game pass so might as well but I wouldn't buy another cod game.
What I don’t get is why there isn’t an option to turn off non authentic visuals, if someone wants to look like ru Paul on their screen more power to them but why can’t I choose to have it rendered on mine as authentic
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What I don’t get is why there isn’t an option to turn off non authentic visuals, if someone wants to look like ru Paul on their screen more power to them but why can’t I choose to have it rendered on mine as authentic
Because if people know that other players might not see their ridiculous looking skin then they will be less likely to buy them.
haha the amount of people who are justifying buying this garbage by saying well i get it for free on gamepass is comedy gold ! you still paying for it. :p
Its actually the best cod in years and a very solid game overall.
I will play for a week or two, well worth a months sub to GP.
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