For the first time in 20 odd years of gaming I've asked for a refund for a game, that being BO4. Zombies doesn't interest me, Blackout is amusing for a while but nothing to write home about and the multiplayer just makes me want to break stuff. There's simply too much questionable crap in it, the spawns are completely borked, the snipers are ridiculous, it's just not fun. I was in denial all the way to level 6 thinking it'd get good once I can create a class but even then it's crap. This is probably also in no small part down to me, gaming seems to interest me less and less over time and I find my tolerance for crap stuff in games is getting less as well. Whereas in the old days I'd simply carry on for that emblem / weapon / whatever, nowadays I don't care much for the unlocks so I play purely for fun, and on that front, BO4 just didn't do it for me.
Ah well, back to Destiny then, and when my refund is processed I'll get RDR2.