Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

This patch was a mess.
All sorts of audio problems with high volume music, VOIP cutting out mute sometimes not working, I got an "unable to connect to host. status PLATYPUS" error trying to join a party

Anyway, another patch just done so hopefully it's sorted
After 2nd patch and restarting my PC Warzone was suddenly smooth and playable again. Me and my 2 friends managed to win and get winner winner, chicken dinner!! :)

Then we went to Apex and won on that too! Loving these two Battle Royal games at the moment! Absolutely fantastic! :D
How do you carry 8?

Guess you could have RPG primary, RPG secondary and maybe Amped and munitions box too

I'm not sure tbh, but was playing trios on Tuesday with my mates, I had one loaded and carrying 7 rockets for my RPG, and my mate was rocking the JKR and was had one loaded and 8 rockets. That was with my normal loadout of Grau/RPG coldblooded/ghost/amped. Im not sure if the same applies for normal multiplayer?
I still think something is wrong with Virgin Media, it's more stable but when playing Apex or Warzone me and my friends who are all on Virgin in different parts of the UK all had lag and disconnects.

It's better then it was but still not perfect.
I don't think you can carry more than 2 in multiplayer. Would make RPG challenges so much easier, especially the stupid 'support kill streak' ones
I bought this game a few weeks ago and have only just got around to playing it this week. I'm so disappointed by almost every aspect of the game I really regret buying it.
I can't even get into multiplayer matches due to the newest patch breaking it.
I bought this game a few weeks ago and have only just got around to playing it this week. I'm so disappointed by almost every aspect of the game I really regret buying it.
I can't even get into multiplayer matches due to the newest patch breaking it.
You know Warzone is free, you could have tried it first. Multiplater was free to play on some weekends too.
But yes, recent patches have broken it. Matchfixing is screwed and ive had another crash when a match had finished. It was working fine up until yesterday

Edit. Saying this, I also installed GTAV to test for someone 2 days ago.
Part of that comes with rockstar launchers and some other c++ redistribution programs which are known to cause issues. Might rip them all off and reinstall them from package again

Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistribution (x64) - 14.22.27821
Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistribution (x86) - 14.22.27821

They're now removed
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Been fine for me most of today. I thought I was making real good progress with the shield. Most challenges were complete within a handful of games. I'm now on the last one and it's 'get a 3 kill streak'. there was an earlier one of 'get a 2 kill streak' so I had hoped this one wasn't there! But alas, it is. only done 2 out of 25 3 kill streaks but i feel it's going to take me forever.
Soooooo after the giant patch - I'm now having to install shaders again. Very, very slowly. I'm not just talking MP shaders here, oh no. Campaign and co-op shaders too!!

Now - why would all new campaign and co-op shaders be required following a MP patch? Surely the shader library would only need to swap out any shaders that have been altered as part of the patch?

I clearly do not understand games these days.
I think after every patch it updates shaders. Annoying but I just let it do it's thing for about 10 minutes then it's good to go.

So it seems the shield may well be one of the easiest golds to get. I think it must be bugged as lots of the things it asked me to do, I haven't done, yet I've got the challenges completed. Just 6 more 3 x Kill streaks and I'll have it gold (God bless Shipment). Then it's just the knife and the launchers I have to use and I'll have Damascus. When I first started playing I didn't think I'd even come close to getting Damascus.

I may even try and get the MP5 in Obsidian once I've done with the shield and combat knife. 15/150 on that so far. Think it just stacks in multiples of 15 as I've not played 15 games with the MP5 but I got a few high kill games with it
Does anybody have any issues with voice chat in-game? I have a couple of friends I play on ps4 whilst I am on pc. Was no issues before the patch, now voice chat cuts out randomly halfway through BR and never comes back until back in the lobby. Anyone else having this?
Does anybody have any issues with voice chat in-game? I have a couple of friends I play on ps4 whilst I am on pc. Was no issues before the patch, now voice chat cuts out randomly halfway through BR and never comes back until back in the lobby. Anyone else having this?
Same here since update.
Noob question. I'm level 60 already and I just run around killing happily.

What is the point in load out drops? I'm quite happy with the guns I find in the game. I like an LMG / RPG / Sniper combo.

What makes people rush to get their own loadout? Are the guns you choose that much better than the ones in game?
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