Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Pubg dead within a month as well though right?

I think it’s an alright game but I won’t be spending £50 on it. I couldn’t play the ground war mode or whatever as it was just a lag fest for me, seems to be an issue for quite a few people.

pubg was new. no one knew how that was gunna play out. anyone who says they do is a liar. cod isnt new we know they out for cash and pc hasnt been a priority for many a year. ive played all cods since day 1 of cod 1. so its not really guessing on this. its now a game for casual low skill people kinda like apex. for those who cant win in pubg they love apex. for those who struggle in other games they love easy cod of now. its a instant graification system because anyone can kill regardless of skill. unlike other games. also cod you have previous games to base data off. look at the last black ops all paid streamers this is better than pubg cause they were being paid for a month and as soon as that ended they all stopped. game was dead. hype will carry the game for a short while. pubg will carry on being the game many fps people play.
We’ll be buying this but not for £50. Will it replace PUBG as our most played game? Can’t see it, though it’ll be a good game to fill in during those periods of frustration with PUBG.

Anyone been able to find it for less than £50?
Think beta is the least I have ever enjoyed a COD game.

Ran smooth enough, graphics I swear haven’t improved that much since cod world at war (which was about 10 years ago)

The TTK and crazy quick ROF seem to just promote camping (if seen first basically dead) seemed to be no dueling you were either dead, or killed other person in blink of eye.

Didn’t enjoy it even when I was doing alright and got the chopper.

Why don’t they make shooters anymore what are objective based (loved RTCW) just stuck running around shooting anything that moves, rinse, repeat games
Why don’t they make shooters anymore what are objective based (loved RTCW)

Because they know that the usual brigade of idiots will rush to buy the same old dumbed down **** year after year after year to the point of pre-ordering extortionately expensive versions that include nothing but a few extra few shiny textures and the ability to play the game 24 hours before the plebs.
Why don’t they make shooters anymore what are objective based (loved RTCW) just stuck running around shooting anything that moves, rinse, repeat games

Because the average gamer is stupid quite frankly and/or lacks the attention span - even after they dumbed down ETQW a lot of people struggled with it. Same with the objective modes in SWBF they had to dumb the **** out of them.

It is a shame because I really enjoy those kind of games.

The TTK and crazy quick ROF seem to just promote camping (if seen first basically dead) seemed to be no dueling you were either dead, or killed other person in blink of eye.

Personally I prefer hardcore in a game like this - a lot of it is in knowing the map and getting in the other player's head, using sound cues and knowing where the other players will be off respawns, etc. then you rarely die to campers unless you screw up - people used to write hardcore off as spray and pray but that ain't true the dueling is in not even putting yourself in the other player's crosshair in the first place.
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Tried it yesterday and this felt closer to MW2 than the last few versions, surprised by how well it ran. Didn't get any console players in my lobby's but did notice they've added a logo next to each user to show their platform.
I think the beta is running until 5pm today. Gutted I didn't get to play any more as I was out most of Saturday and Sunday.

I enjoyed it enough that I'll probably buy it. I'd like to find it cheaper than £50 but £50 is a cheap night out these days and I'll get my moneys worth out of it
Personally I prefer hardcore in a game like this - a lot of it is in knowing the map and getting in the other player's head, using sound cues and knowing where the other players will be off respawns, etc. then you rarely die to campers unless you screw up - people used to write hardcore off as spray and pray but that ain't true the dueling is in not even putting yourself in the other player's crosshair in the first place.

Agreed. The hardcore modes make call of duty very fun. You play a little bit slower, by CoD standards at least, and you can't rely on a UAV to constantly check on. One thing CoD always does really well at is the audio of footsteps. With a good headset on you sometimes feel like you're cheating when you pay attention to the sounds
I wonder why this isn't showing on the CD keys sites?

I just played my first Ground War rounds, I can't even get 60 fps with everything on low, why is this running so bad? My system is old but more demanding games run a lot better? Any setting I should turn off?
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Probably because it's only available via Battlenet and presumably more difficult for these sites to source keys?
Just feels like another cod, which I guess it is. Graphics seem blurry and grainy, even when many options turned off and with the cfg change. Spawns are all over the place, constantly shot in the back, and the time to kill is so fast no chance to turn around. Topped the scoreboard most games, but didnt feel good doing so, boring quite fast. Compared to say cod4 I would still choose cod4 anyday, certainly not worth £50, and I suspect by the time the game is cheaper it will be dead for PC. Shame as I had hope for this one and gave it a fair try.
The beta is still running.

I'm surprised so many people are disappointed. Call of Duty was always going to be Call of Duty. I don't think they were looking to change the wheel and overall I'm quite happy with what I got to play and it feels exactly like how I expected it would. Call of Duty but a little bit heavier.

For mindless run and gun death matches this will have me covered. I am no where near good though unfortunately. Haven't played a PvP shooter since BFV in December so having to learn aiming and tracking again.
I didn't realise the COD community were a bunch of ******! Just reading the up-roar that the Devs are implementing Skill based match making. 90% of them crying that they won't be able to beat on scrubs every game wtf?
I didn't realise the COD community were a bunch of ******! Just reading the up-roar that the Devs are implementing Skill based match making. 90% of them crying that they won't be able to beat on scrubs every game wtf?
If they add skill based match making it'll be nice, Call Of Duty needs to do something different and see how it turns out, at the current rate the franchise is dying and needs to be turned around, the only way to do this is to try changing stuff up, I feel like they should keep with one iteration of the game for 3 years, keep changing stuff until they get it right then start making the games based off that for the next few years, it worked with COD 4.
If they add skill based match making it'll be nice, Call Of Duty needs to do something different and see how it turns out, at the current rate the franchise is dying and needs to be turned around, the only way to do this is to try changing stuff up, I feel like they should keep with one iteration of the game for 3 years, keep changing stuff until they get it right then start making the games based off that for the next few years, it worked with COD 4.

You do know SBMM has been in CoD for quite a while now?
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