I've tried everything. It's been going on a couple of months now.
I'm using:
Windows Build 18363
Latest version of nvidia drivers
I have an old I5 4690k 3.4ghz with an RTX 2080, 16GB DDR3 2400mhz and 500GB m.2 SSD.
I've literally gone through 4 threads on reddit which list over 100 fixes, I've tried every single one and nothing has worked.
I've tried old drivers and new, I've tried Process lasso, setting cpu to low, normal, medium.
Tried different screen settings like full screen borderless etc
The first couple of months of this games release the game ran fine on the same hardware. Then after they updated Warzone one day this suddenly happened.
All other games on my PC run fine.
I don't use Ray tracing in Warzone, and I have tried low and high settings.
It's weird that it seems to get worse throughout the night. Like the first game will be smooth, the second game will be smooth, the 3rd game will have freezing for 2 seconds, the 4th game will have freezing for 3 seconds, then 5th game will have freezing for 5 seconds and then every game after that will have freezing for 5 seconds. And we usually play for hours and have a dozen games per night.
I love this game so the freezing just spoils it for me.
Other games like Apex, Metro Exodus, all my VR games etc all run fine in ultra settings, even games with Ray tracing enabled run butter smooth.