Not sure why, but since last night I'm getting terrible frame rates in Warzone on my other system. From 90fps+ to at times dropping to 50!
This is on the 980GTX/i7 4.5/16GB/SSD
Not tested on the RTX yet
This business about aim assist being like auto aim...tosh! That's all they get, they don't get any other assistance when aiming, only when they're moving, and it's a very small amount at that.
While every video out there clearly goes against everything you just said hmmmm
This business about aim assist being like auto aim...tosh!
I'm on PC and not once do I feel like I'm at a disadvantage given all the other massive advantages of being on PC vs. console. They've a lower FoV, lower frame rate, far fewer buttons to do anything with, and far less precision with a joystick than a mouse. They need something if they're up against PC, and that's the tiny bit of assistance they get when moving and aiming at the same time. That's all they get, they don't get any other assistance when aiming, only when they're moving, and it's a very small amount at that.
Anyone won the M4 blueprint from the 2v2 tournament? The decent ironsights on it makes it worth getting.
While every video out there clearly goes against everything you just said hmmmm
Exactly - show us the goods @Neil79Aimbot implies it is aiming for you, which it objectively is not. Show me a video that demonstrates aim assist putting you directly on target with no user input.
A friend who plays ps4 had a go at playing on my PC (albeit on an xbox wired controllor so cut him some slack), and for some reason it there was no aim assisst on.
He didn't notice, and it was rather funny watching him try to get kills without it. He got absolutely destroyed.
also who turns graphics up in cod mp. you turn em off. low for pro.
Pad players need the aim assist and I've no issues with it, though some of the recent vids have it rather strong.
It's the 0 recoil stuff I've noticed that's been frustrating. That and seeming ability to run away at full.speed when being hit, though from other comments, that's by design.
Haha, fair. I wonder how many people are running 2080ti's with settings turned to the lowest possible. The irony!
What, running is different for them too?
That was posted earlier but it's not aim assist. The Chronus is plain cheating.Ah I see we are debating the aim assist issue, I'll just leave this here: