Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

I am getting sick of seeing cheaters and not just hacks/aim bots.

it’s the obvious chronus max console users too who have zero recoil along with other scripts running, you watch every killcam in Warzone and it’s zero recoil shot shot shot it’s making me almost give up on the whole series to be honest the game is infested with people who just want to ruin everyone else’s fun.

This is what it looks like

So that's what I've been seeing!
I assumed kill cam made recoil look less than it was but this makes more sense. Had loads of that in games recently.
Yep, it's really obvious to me something has shifted. I was doing OK for a while but now people are spotting and taking you down from miles away with ease and other players are a lot balshier.

Also I'm always put in my own or a duo in quads which is frustrating
Curious problem with lag in this game (and only this game). Every other day, it will lag, and lag all day. THen a patch comes out and fixes it? Mon/Wed lag free, tues/thurs lag fest. Been doing it for 2 weeks now. Ive googled around but only ever find generic laggy complaints, my ping is fine and no packetloss. No issue in any other game, just modern warfare. Any suggestions?
Being quite new to COD games I have learned the following. If you play on PC and don't play cross play you are faced with many more hackers due to PC only players? . If you play cross play then you have PC hackers and then console players with joystick tricks, less stun on stun grenades, some help with aim assist. which to pick. Multiplayer specifically not warzone.
I've become somewhat addicted to Warzone solos. I got my first win today.

Few questions, in the interest of getting better.

1. Say I choose a loadout (at a loadout drop), that has the ghost perk. Do I then lose the ghost perk if I pick up a 2nd weapon in place of my sidearm?

2. Sometimes I can outrun the gas circle, and other times I can't. Is it completely random at what speed it goes?

3. Can you stack gas masks?

4. Is there a sort of holy grail for the myriad of mouse settings/sensitivitys on there? Or just personal preference.
they patched out picking up a second weapon a few patches ago, when you try to pick up a secondary primary with ghost it will drop current primary

the smallest distance part of the circle to new circle moves slower
Being quite new to COD games I have learned the following. If you play on PC and don't play cross play you are faced with many more hackers due to PC only players? . If you play cross play then you have PC hackers and then console players with joystick tricks, less stun on stun grenades, some help with aim assist. which to pick. Multiplayer specifically not warzone.
you cant disable crossplay
they patched out picking up a second weapon a few patches ago, when you try to pick up a secondary primary with ghost it will drop current primary

So, I switch to my pistol and swap that with another primary. Do I then 'lose' the ghost perk because I've picked up another primary?

Ah, okay, that makes sense about the circle now I think about it. I should always be able to outrun it if I'm on the smallest side then?
I've become somewhat addicted to Warzone solos. I got my first win today.

Few questions, in the interest of getting better.

1. Say I choose a loadout (at a loadout drop), that has the ghost perk. Do I then lose the ghost perk if I pick up a 2nd weapon in place of my sidearm?

2. Sometimes I can outrun the gas circle, and other times I can't. Is it completely random at what speed it goes?

3. Can you stack gas masks?

4. Is there a sort of holy grail for the myriad of mouse settings/sensitivitys on there? Or just personal preference.
1. No
2. Faster when it’s further out (and you are)
3. No
4. Personal preference. I just left mine on default

RE the ghost perk and weapons, i just have loadouts with ghost and different primary weapons. Just drop the weapon you dont want when collecting the drop
The gas tends to not be out-runnable only on the first closure as it's usually got the biggest distance to over in any time period. I've never been caught by gas on later circles.

You only lose ghost if you pickup a 2nd loadout with a different perk selected. I don't know why C64 thinks they patched out carrying 2 primaries, you can still carry 2 primary weapons as long as the 2nd is picked up in place of your pistol / launcher.
I've become somewhat addicted to Warzone solos. I got my first win today.

Few questions, in the interest of getting better.

1. Say I choose a loadout (at a loadout drop), that has the ghost perk. Do I then lose the ghost perk if I pick up a 2nd weapon in place of my sidearm?

2. Sometimes I can outrun the gas circle, and other times I can't. Is it completely random at what speed it goes?

1. An effective way to utilise loadouts is to have a class setup with Overkill on it which gives you the two guns you want to use (Sniper Rifle + AR for example) and then a 2nd loadout (the free loadout at 10s before 1st circle finishes closing) that has Ghost on it, and a primary weapon that's an alternative to one of those guns (SMG for example). When you take the 2nd loadout with Ghost, you then pick up your 1st loadout guns off the floor. This is quite effective because early game Ghost isn't so useful in that early game - you're better off having two custom guns.

2. The only circle you may not be able to outrun is the 1st one. Pay attention to your location vs where the circle is going and leave early if required. All circles after that first collapse can be outrun on foot, but you can still get caught out if you're not careful due to routing around buildings etc.
You only lose ghost if you pickup a 2nd loadout with a different perk selected. I don't know why C64 thinks they patched out carrying 2 primaries, you can still carry 2 primary weapons as long as the 2nd is picked up in place of your pistol / launcher.

There was a bug where if you had ghost perk and picked up a 2nd weapon off the ground (replacing your primary) you would lose the ghost perk.
They also fixed the HR scanner bug where sometimes it would revel you to someone HR scanner, even if you had ghost perk. Highly annoyig speccing your death when you see someone using the scanner and you flash up on their but they never did on your when they were around a corner!
Thanks for the replies guys. I need to pay more attention to my position in relation to the gas circle.

I think that's why I'm asking about the ghost perk Guest, I've noticed on one or two kill cams that they had their heart rate monitor out before switching and blasting me.

Sonic, I'll give that method of loadouts a go I reckon.

After what C64 said, I played a couple of rounds just using a my loadout primary and side arm :p
Thanks for the replies guys. I need to pay more attention to my position in relation to the gas circle.

I think that's why I'm asking about the ghost perk Guest, I've noticed on one or two kill cams that they had their heart rate monitor out before switching and blasting me.

Sonic, I'll give that method of loadouts a go I reckon.

After what C64 said, I played a couple of rounds just using a my loadout primary and side arm :p

I have the ghost perk in every loadout I use for Warzone (apart from one...)
It doesnt matter as much in MP so just use overkill but in Warzone you are at a massive disadvantage when not using it due to people always using the HR scanner. That said, I have an overkill loadout with shrapnel and c4 which I have used to lure people into a c4 trap house. Double c4 on a whole team then finish anyone off with a Holger - that teaches them for stalking me with an HR scanner :D
It's not the safest tactic but satisfying and fun if you are in an 'I can't be bothered, i'll do what I want' mood
So that's what I've been seeing!
I assumed kill cam made recoil look less than it was but this makes more sense. Had loads of that in games recently.

While often due to cheating - traditionally the kill cam in COD hasn't reflected recoil well due to bandwidth saving, etc. and you see a replay of what the server saw at a lower update rate than what happened on the other client's end which can smooth out some of their input (with a cheat that can often look like it was cancelled out entirely as you don't see the small jump back and forth).
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