So i just bought this and jumped into Multiplayer, and im utterly terrible, my reactions now im 46 are nothing like they used to be when i was 21 hahah, i used to be good at Unreal / UT etc back in the day but im just utterly terrible at this game, but i do enjoy it.
Is there a good build of sorts to ease into the game with before i go for more exotic weapons? Currently im like lvl16 or something? and im using i think the first Assault Rifle you get with the first lot of unlocks you get for it, Infra red dot scope etc, i did try the underbarrel grenade launcher but i couldnt figure out how to fire the damn grenade hahah saying that though im not even sure what grenade button is bound to anyhow lmao.
Is it best to stick to 1 weapon style and unlock as much as you can? or is there currently certain weapons that are just better than others? i know often in these types of games certain weapons are just unbalanced for a while.
I seem to get killed a lot faster than it takes me to shoot someone else, i figured out you can pick up other peoples weapons too! occasionally ive picked up weapons with heat sensing scopes and stuff and it makes a huge difference it seems.
I actually enjoy the grind of unlocking stuff, but it may be an idea i stick with 1 weapon til my reactions get better and im not dying 25 times per map for only 5 kills
Any advice would be more than welcome!