Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Dont think its the game, more likkely the server. I've found sometimes servers feel like crap for me but for mates they're ok.
Sometimes friends say similar too that they shoot first and die first but when I spec them they clearly didnt (shoot first)

Thought I would try an MP40 seems as everyone is using it and its max levelled just from playing randomly. It's a monster, managed a 10th place by myself just around airfield buildings with the MP40

Yeah you are probably right there.
A couple of weeks ago when people on here were having a bad time with lag, stuttering etc, It was probably running the best it had done for me. Now it feels pretty awful.
Even watching back my death cams, It doesn't show that I shoot, Just run right in towards the enemy not doing anything. Server de-sync?

Query: If I join or get invited into my brothers lobby, I assume he is the host and our traffic is routed through him?
Yeah you are probably right there.
A couple of weeks ago when people on here were having a bad time with lag, stuttering etc, It was probably running the best it had done for me. Now it feels pretty awful.
Even watching back my death cams, It doesn't show that I shoot, Just run right in towards the enemy not doing anything. Server de-sync?

Query: If I join or get invited into my brothers lobby, I assume he is the host and our traffic is routed through him?

I am not sure it works that way. I think you just connect to the server, that used to be how games were many years back.
Query: If I join or get invited into my brothers lobby, I assume he is the host and our traffic is routed through him?

As Jim said, that was in days gone by but expect it's different now. We did think and try this anyway, connecting to person with the best connection - made no difference at all.
In a game maybe a year ago we all connected to my game as have FTTP 500/500 (Hyperoptic) One mate who has an terrible adsl connection in a rural area still dropped out (he drops about 1 in 10 games usually) There were still server issues so caused rubber banding and general lag even though my ping was at ~30 the whole game with no packet loss.

Id love to know the spec of the Warzone servers, how many, how much they cost to run and other stats compared to the income from COD points, blueprints, battlepass, skins etc. Id hazard a guess they are not cloud hosted server. Imagine the monthly cost on Azure or AWS :eek:
All I can say is the person with the worst KD is best to host the lobby for skill based match making. We always get better lobbies if we join on rubbish mate :D
It just seems a bit hit or miss really so thought I would ask.
Sometimes it feels fantastic other times it feels like I've got additional lag or hit mark more per mag than some games.
Guess that's the perks of the reported 12-24 tick servers.
It just seems a bit hit or miss really so thought I would ask.
Sometimes it feels fantastic other times it feels like I've got additional lag or hit mark more per mag than some games.
Guess that's the perks of the reported 12-24 tick servers.

I know what you mean. I played a few rounds yesterday and one game it was lag on everything, just mini delays when opening boxes and stuff. Next round was fine.

If you have it every match then likely it's your internet or PC, if it's random it will likey be the particular server you have connected to for that game.
I know what you mean. I played a few rounds yesterday and one game it was lag on everything, just mini delays when opening boxes and stuff. Next round was fine.

If you have it every match then likely it's your internet or PC, if it's random it will likey be the particular server you have connected to for that game.

I do think the internet offshore may be part of the issue especially when we have a lot of people online but saying that, It has never been much of an issue in the past year or two though. I'll not manage to pin it down anyway so not much point trying.
Thanks for the responses. Screen just freezes and then crashes out but can load back up again so a bit odd, and very frustrating when it happens near the end of a match
Yes im getting constant crashes even with the new hotfix driver package. All sorts of errors throw me to desktop and then back into the game. Im also getting hard crashes where the game just dies.
No crashes for me using 511.72 durig one game of plunder. Still get graphical glitches / corruption though using 21:9.

E.g. During this the scope was constantly flashing transparent on and off


Edit. Had 4 games on BR (2 x trios and 2 x quads) No crashes or errors. The graphical glitches appear more than before, similar areas of the map but this time without looking down scope even. Changing aspect ratio fixes it
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Is anyone else getting constant crashes since the last update? Im getting Direct X errors, fatal paging file errors and all sorts.

Never had one crash in 100s of hours of gameplay mate. I've never clocked my pc since I built it, this is the first one I've never clocked. Never had a pc run so problem free in any game.
Also never had any issues with crashing on either desktop or laptop with Warzone.

The past two nights have felt much better server wise although one friend I was playing with has stated he is now seeing what I was getting the past week.
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