Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Combat scout is such a strong perk on Caldera, it still surprises me when I run into anyone not using Cold Blooded to counter it.

Gun balance seems good right now across the board. I’m running into a mix of different weapons from all 3 games on a pretty regular occurrence and it seems like most weapons are viable and it’s much more down to personal preference vs. having to run an AUG or DMR or something like we had in previous seasons.

Yes I agree you can actually choose one of about 6 or 7 AR's and not get penalised now. I always hated having to use the Bren. Ugly looking gun but you were damned if you did not join in.

My teammate is loving the modern warfare M4 again.
Combat scout is such a strong perk on Caldera, it still surprises me when I run into anyone not using Cold Blooded to counter it.

Gun balance seems good right now across the board. I’m running into a mix of different weapons from all 3 games on a pretty regular occurrence and it seems like most weapons are viable and it’s much more down to personal preference vs. having to run an AUG or DMR or something like we had in previous seasons.

I always run EOD, Overkill, Combat scout then 2nd loadout EOD, Ghost, Combat scout.
I thought running Combat scout alone hides the target outline when you are shot... no need to run Cold blooded too, unless you want to also be hiddend from drones and scopes like merc and other thermal scopes

edit - the perks don't read like that. No wonder i've been getting turned into mince by a whole squad when one person has shot me once! I will miss EOD though.

However surely there’s no point running Combat scout if everyone uses it in conjunction with cold blooded?
I’ve not ran Cold blooded for over a year now and cant remember the last time i’ve been shot and it highlighted i had been marked by combat scout - or does it just not show when you have been marked now?

edit2. Since when have they made C4 as strongas a feather duster? I placed some on a low wall and exploded it as someone was right next to it, it took a single plate off him/her??! They then proceeded to kills me and didnt even have EOD
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Some pretty big perk changes have gone through by the looks of it.

I think they may revert a couple of changes. Restock of flash/stuns every 25 seconds will get abused I would imagine.
The Ghost perk being needed is a nice change.
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I've seen a lot of peole now using snapshot grenades. Probably something else that will get further use.

I used to use snapshot + restock in Rebirth a lot, combined with a FMJ PKM or other high capacity LMG with good penetration you could throw a snapshot through a window and kill whoever was in there. Bit situational but was good fun.
I used to use snapshot + restock in Rebirth a lot, combined with a FMJ PKM or other high capacity LMG with good penetration you could throw a snapshot through a window and kill whoever was in there. Bit situational but was good fun.

It was rare for me to see one in use but I'm seeing them nearly every game now.
glad ghost is nerfed, that slot 2 on the perks is pretty open now. running quick fix and tempered if aggressive is a good way to regen fast.
I played some more solos last night. First person I came across was a level 1 with an aimbot. Instant headshot killed by him. The other games were fine though that I could tell. A lot of corner huggers so I can see the snapshot and restock being required for this solos mode.
I used to use snapshot + restock in Rebirth a lot, combined with a FMJ PKM or other high capacity LMG with good penetration you could throw a snapshot through a window and kill whoever was in there. Bit situational but was good fun.
I had a go on Clash with my PKM, FMJ, snapshot grenades restock. Great fun roasting all the campers through the wall :D
With an 80 round Sorokin as secondary its pretty solid. I did have to drop the rubberised grip mind for FMJ on the PKM
I had a go on Clash with my PKM, FMJ, snapshot grenades restock. Great fun roasting all the campers through the wall :D
With an 80 round Sorokin as secondary its pretty solid. I did have to drop the rubberised grip mind for FMJ on the PKM

I dropped the supressor I think for it and kept the grip, TBH though on Rebirth doing this you're limited by the throw range of the snapshot so you don't really need the damage range boosts as much, and also the recoil isn't so much of an issue so dropping either is fine.
Played Clash and really enjoyed it, then went over to Rebirth and Battle Royale around about 10pm. Same crap as before, nothing but a cheat fest! :mad::mad: One of the major reasons I stopped playing the game and never went back!

Guy was tracking my character through the side of a mountain at pin point accuracy, his gun site was locked to me. So as soon as my head appeared I was already dead! Most of them so far seem to be Spanish or have TTV or FBG as a tag
Spent all last night trying to do the weapon trade challenge this week, fairly annoying but its finally done so back to playing normally.

Is anyone getting super slow battle pass progress compared to last season? Playing for 3hrs last night only resulted in a single level.
I've read that being reported over several platforms. One team member levelled up half a level whilst one levelled once and another twice in the same time frame. It's screwed for many.
Had a few great games blasting campers through walls with snapshot grenades and FMJ PMK. Watching people run and hide when snapshotted is fun but the icing on the cake is them dieing and screaming "hooooooow!" as the PKM destroys them through the walls :D
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