Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

These playlists are awful for april fools, when does it end :( also anyone having issues with the game launching windowed all the time and the battlepass not ranking up?
Window mode yes -Alt Enter and that goes full screen. I like it as I can load the game, call dsomeone on discord, and althenter to full screen (I have two monitors)

As for the playlist, yup they are rubbish. Play Vanguard, it's currently free!!!
These playlists are awful for april fools, when does it end :( also anyone having issues with the game launching windowed all the time and the battlepass not ranking up?
Apparently the game launching in windowed mode is a known error so should mean it's sorted at some point with an update!

I avoided playing when it was April Fools, it looked fun to watch from videos but not sure I fancied actually playing it myself.
Does everyone play by this same unwritten rule we play by?

If our team has enough money between us/each then we buy someone back who has died over all other purchases.

I challenged it the other day in a quads game when one person on the team had died and lost gulag, it was near the start of a game before the first loadout drop and we had 10k and were about to face another team.
We could have either bought friend back and gone 4v4, us with crap weapons them having just bought their loadout or us 3 with good weapons vs 4 with good weapons. We bought teammate back.
I said in real life, the commander wouldnt sacrifice an entire squad for one person, I was shot down as "It's not real life, it's a game and you can buy someone back" Anyway, we all lost against the team who had their loadout.

Future games I said in that situation it would be better to get loadout over buying me back, then fighting chance of taking on the other team and collecting money to buy me back after. Still didnt go down well
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Buy your mate back so he isn't sat waiting, die trying, have a laugh, start another game?

I'd just go with the flow, you way makes sense too, but it's just a game.
"A good soldier never leaves a man behind"

(Cookie to whoever can name the film)
Toy story? Many other probably too

I never understood Saving Private Ryan, costing the lives of a whole platoon to save one man. I got that he was the only remainding son, but what about all the people who died saving him? There could have been brothers in the platoon who died too.
Would I sacrifice myself to save 5 others, nope not if I had a good chance of survival, that's human nature. If I was badly injured, about to be captured and tortured and would cost the lives of others then yes I'd prefer to be ended quickly.

A bit deep for my initial question I know and guess it just comes back to "It's only a game" so playing it with a full team is better. If we lose like we did, start again. Real life im sure a good commander would make a decisive decision to save the lives of many.
If it's a random and they are crap I may choose a loadout, but with mates it's one of those things... You HAVE to buy them back ... Sometimes again and again.
If it's a random and they are crap I may choose a loadout, but with mates it's one of those things... You HAVE to buy them back ... Sometimes again and again.
Unless its a mate who just sucks and get the mick taken out of them, in which case they're left!
Is there a bug with stun and flash grenades with battle hardened?

I now run battle hardened and got hit by flash grenade. My screen went white and couldnt see anything.
In the same game I threw a flash grenade at another player, he soldiered on through it, saw me and killed me. On the killcam he was NOT running battle hardened, yet the flash effect was reduced significantly (could still see but was faded instead of a full white screen like mine)
Dude admits to walling. Then laughs at them when he kills them all inside the storage unit. (NSFW)
"Their all in there...I see those **** through the wall!"
The problem is you don't see the other team from within the container. And because he called in a nuke the mini map is removed from the screen when he said it.
Go to 17:11 to 17:23

Is that what COD content creators are doing now? Like and sub that kind of stuff???
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Dude admits to walling. Then laughs at them when he kills them all inside the storage unit. (NSFW)
Go to 17:11 to 17:23

Is that what COD content creators are doing now? Like and sub that kind of stuff???

Where did he admit to walling? From the start of that clip, You could clearly see the other players glitching through the containers.
Skip back 50 seconds or so and he even complains the map is glitching. Maybe I didn't watch enough to see the confession?
Don't get me wrong, I think content creators are a waste of space.
Where did he admit to walling? From the start of that clip, You could clearly see the other players glitching through the containers.
Skip back 50 seconds or so and he even complains the map is glitching. Maybe I didn't watch enough to see the confession?
Don't get me wrong, I think content creators are a waste of space.
Can you show me a pic of these other players glitching through the container? I don't see that. Don't get me wrong, if its there it's there. I just don't see it.
Looks like some operator cape flapping through the container wall and he looks right at it when he says he can see the person through the wall.
Looks like some operator cape flapping through the container wall and he looks right at it when he says he can see the person through the wall.
Yeah, I saw that too. However, what he said is:
"Their all in there...I see those **** through the wall!"
Although the cape was visible it wasn't a representation of the entire team being in the container.
Sorry, Yeah I meant the cape through the container so should have said player other than players. Maybe he assumed it was the spawn point but you never know with this game to be fair.
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