Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

I managed to select a custom weapons loadout but that was about as far as I got.
I couldnt select the shotgut (which felt nice in the default loadout) so I didnt bother and just kept selecting the default one with an M4 & shotgun. The new movement mechanics should certainly be interesting in Warzone 2

Cheating is really bad tonight, and some cheat sites are doing free cheats as it's the LAST warzone update! - One server was a Facebook gamer going from one guy to the next without any UAV, then this server we ended up on had lots of different people with chinese names, talking English. He said " I don't cheat, I use XBOX I'm just a GOD "
Which genius decided to re-introduce MW2019 and Cold war guns to ground loot!? Incredible, M13s, MP5, MP7, HDR, CX9s, Krigs etc. The game is so much better now
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The good gun ground lot certain seems to have changed peoples loadout choice. I expect (like me) people find ground loot guns that are great so just go primary instead of overkill.
I can see WZ1 being pulled too, good riddance to BR / Caldera but it'll be a sad day when Rebirth Island and Fortunes Keep are gone.

Imagine if someoene could have downloaded and 'saved' Verdansk to their own servers for people to play before integration with CW and VG. Im certain it would still be played by many people, probably more than Caldera.
I enjoyed Caldera at first but then it was changd and what little coverage was slowly thinned out (trees mainly) then they went and made it look all orange?!

Every time I loaded in it reminded me of this
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After playing the MW2 Beta last week I thought I’d download Warzone and give it another go. I did try it when it launched but couldn’t remember exactly why I didn’t like it.

Spent virtually a day downloading it on my peasant broadband, loaded it up and jumped straight into BR.

Not a map I’ve played so opened my chute right away and had a look around. Just before I was about to land I got taken out by a headshot from I don’t know where. Respawned and opened my chute last minute to avoid the same thing happening again and immediately got sniped again in mid-air.

Now that’s why I didn’t bother with Warzone much after it launched. Nearly uninstalled it there and then but after taking a day to download I think I’ll give it one more go tonight before uninstalling it.

Is it just me that this happens to? Or is it like that all of the time these days?

Looking forward to MW2 at least!
Hey guys, just a heads up, I've noticed if you disable c- states in the bios which I believe is a power saving feature, it'll give you more fps in warzone (and probably other game's) , I gained a good 25/30 fps from disabling c-states.
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On the other system the 980 GTX I've been using the new DLSS set up which is locked to RTX cards. And with that and Geforce Experience it's like night and day! Without DLSS 40/60fps with DLSS enabled making the system think you have an RTX card it's running at 70-90fps even with Sharpen filters! - Another thing you can use it with the latest Nvidia drivers as well!!

( I don't need to do this with my own system the RTX 2070 super )
Had a brilliant game this morning before I started work on regular MP. 43 kills 2 deaths. 1 death was due to my nuke and the other death was because I got excited and stood around in the open waiting for the nuke to go off.

Determined to get another few guns in Obsidian before MW2 releases.
Hey guys, just a heads up, I've noticed if you disable c- states in the bios which I believe is a power saving feature, it'll give you more fps in warzone (and probably other game's) , I gained a good 25/30 fps from disabling c-states.
C-states. Not heard of them in BIOS on motherboards for a few years. Or at least they're not used or called something else now

From memory (older intel boards) C states from 0 - 6 drop the power when the CPU is not required, C0 being fully on and C6 being deep sleep / almost off.

AMD uses PBO which I leave on auto personally as farting around with it too much caused instability on my 5800X.

I run RTX 3080 on stock, 5800X CPU on stock and 3600C16 memory at 3800C14 1900FCLK.

Gaming wise I turn on vsync globally and limit FPS to 97 in Nvidia control panel as I have a 100Hz Gsync monitor. Warzone doesnt drop below 97, other than the opening scene jumping out the plane/heli. GPU doesnt get must higher than 60c. (3440 x 1440, maxed other than motion blur and DOF stuff off) It should be interesting how well MW2 / Warzone 2 does on my setup. The beta played perfectly and never dropped below 97fps
Never bought a deluxe/vault edition.

I’ve read what the extras are but what’s peoples general opinion on them? A worthwhile purchase? Or just opt for the base game as everything will unlock eventually anyway?
Never bought a deluxe/vault edition.

I’ve read what the extras are but what’s peoples general opinion on them? A worthwhile purchase? Or just opt for the base game as everything will unlock eventually anyway?
I go for base game and get the battle pass from built up COD points. I think once I bought one Battlepass it was on offer and game me a load of COD points, which I saved until the next season to get the next one.
MW2 / Warzone 2 wise i'm not sure how much the battlepass will be. Will probably just buy the base game as I did was MW 2019. The beta felt good to me, much better movement - less bunny hopping around, slide-cancel sweat fest
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