Played a few games earlier today after a long time not playing and the game is in such a strange state. There are so many attachments and so many weapons with the combined MW2 and MW3 guns - but unlocking the new weapons isn't exactly clear? I wanted to unlock the Bal 27 as it seems like a fun AR, I have to add it to an armory unlock queue and then do challenges to then unlock it?
And the same for some attachments - but then other attachments exist called conversion kits that you unlock in a different way?
The Battle Pass now comes in 3 flavours, regular povety pass, poverty pass + 25 level skips and then the king of all FOMO pass with all the shiny skins and reactive camos/operators etc. and this pass alone is TWENTY FIVE QUID.
On top of that, my squad for a ranked game was Snoop Dog, a giant fluffy bear and a gorilla. And every time I died to one player in particular I was turned into a joint.
What in **** has happened to this game?