Call of Duty Modern Warfare

This is the first CoD game I've been genuinely excited for in a good few years, I'm going to give the pc beta a go whenever that is and I have high hopes. With the disappointing BFV I just hope DICE bounce back and give us a great game, I must admit I hate the UI and general design of the menus, HUD etc in BF1 and V they just seemed to have copied the Star Wars look. Its way too clinical for a war game imo.
This is taken directly from Gamespot.
Following the recent PS4-only Call of Duty Modern Warfare Alpha Test, a more expansive beta is coming soon to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Whereas the alpha focused exclusively on the new 2v2 mode, you'll have the chance to try out other parts of the game's multiplayer component in the forthcoming Modern Warfare beta, which will include a cross-play test.
I had to contact where I bought one from to get mine then it once registered on the call of duty website, I never got one to redeem on the store.
Bit of a faff but got it eventually and it's all setup ready to go.
I won a code for early access so I'll be jumping on tonight after work. I don't finish til 9 so hopefully the servers will be working by then :D
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