Call of Duty Modern Warfare

I know the footsteps have been ‘tamed’ now but in previous CODs, having 5.1/7.1 headsets meant you could hear if someone was approaching you from your left, right or behind. Now it’s just all in stereo and out of both speakers.

I’m enjoying the game more, I’ve adapted to the slower pace but still refuse to camp. Hopefully the mini map changes and footstep sound being reduced you will see note running and gunning.
I know the footsteps have been ‘tamed’ now but in previous CODs, having 5.1/7.1 headsets meant you could hear if someone was approaching you from your left, right or behind. Now it’s just all in stereo and out of both speakers.

I’m enjoying the game more, I’ve adapted to the slower pace but still refuse to camp. Hopefully the mini map changes and footstep sound being reduced you will see note running and gunning.

Is this post patch? Because the last time i used my headset I could clearly here which direction people were coming from
that’s weird, I have A40’s too and I could hear people run behind me, round my side and in front of me.

You see it on the kill cams too, they hear you but have no idea where from so just hide in a corner or look around haha. I don’t think there’s even a setting to turn off on them so surround didn’t work.
I've had this game since release. I've not really had much time to play it.
Every time I play online I'm lucky if I manage to last an entire match as I always get kicked out with a message saying lost connection to host/server. Every match I play this always happens. I'm playing on ps4 if that helps. Is this happening to anyone else ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I've had this game since release. I've not really had much time to play it.
Every time I play online I'm lucky if I manage to last an entire match as I always get kicked out with a message saying lost connection to host/server. Every match I play this always happens. I'm playing on ps4 if that helps. Is this happening to anyone else ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I've not had any issues yet.
I've had this game since release. I've not really had much time to play it.
Every time I play online I'm lucky if I manage to last an entire match as I always get kicked out with a message saying lost connection to host/server. Every match I play this always happens. I'm playing on ps4 if that helps. Is this happening to anyone else ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

What's your NAT type? Could be a router issue?
any idea of this can be game shared on xbox? I've got 4 xbox's here with three teen-aged sons who want to play multiplayer lan but I can't justifty the cost of 4 copies of the game!
any idea of this can be game shared on xbox? I've got 4 xbox's here with three teen-aged sons who want to play multiplayer lan but I can't justifty the cost of 4 copies of the game!

You can share 1 digital copy between two xboxes, so you'd need to buy 2 copies. You can also share xbox live game pass and I think EA acccess in the same way.
Only played some quick play playlists so far on Xbox but why do I get put in lobby with almost all pc players and a handful of Xbox players

Not seen any PS4 players yet.
I'm enjoying this, lots to be improved but not really encountered many issues myself, maps are pretty crap and the 725 is op. Camping not really had an issue either, sure get lots of campers but I find once you have learned the maps its not a huge problem and most of the games I have played, most are playing the objectives anyway.
I think the camping will get less and less overtime when people start to learn the maps anyway.

My favourite weapon currently is the P90 once levelled up a bit and my favourite map is that Hackney point?
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