Bought this now, arriving today. Any advice for someone who hasn't played since MW2? Someone was telling me there's some original MW maps in there as well which makes me giddy
Yassssssss, P90 and double tap here we come
Can anyone clear up the cross play situation with controllers Vs keyboard and mouse ?
How does it work ?
I'm Xbox with a controller will I ever be matched with keyboard and mouse players with cross play on ?
Christ the new came is absolutely terrible. Got a Refund after about 3 Hours from MS, even they didn't argue with it.
Sat?. I bought the game on the back of the free stuff, but more and more I played it got worse.really? Saturday was fun lol
Sat?. I bought the game on the back of the free stuff, but more and more I played it got worse.
Ahh sorry yea Friday night. First time I ever player the new one in multilayer though!Weren’t you in the group the other night (Friday night/Sat morning) with Soulja etc? I was KonvictVIVIVI.
Were you playing well? That was probably the SBMM adjusting and putting you in harder lobbies
Not sure if anyone has already made one or is interested but I have made a squad in the call of duty app where of you come top of the leader board you get free prizes. Mainly xp tokens but sometimes get blueprints emblems and the like.
Also going to make one in game where you can set a happy hour for 2xp each night.
If anyone is interest just search for OCUK on the app
If one is already set up could I please get an invite psn is the same as my username on here
Can you be in more than one squad?
I'm looking to make one with my friends but wouldn't mind joining one here too
That's not a bad idea actually.Don't think so, but could always have them join one on here if a few people do join