In case anyone missed it earlier (fast replies are fast!)...
Camoe is watching this thread and isn't happy. He is allegedly just back from a fortnight's holiday, conveniently whilst being too skint to pay what he owes to myself, Nix (and others?). He didn't think to email us and explain he was failing to meet his self-imposed deadlines for refund, before he went away then?
"Sorry guys, I can't pay yous back becuz I'm going on holidayz. lulz"
Hm. That and a few other excuses, in between me being "unbelievable" and "omg-wtf-have-u-done??!!1!!eleven!" stuff. Sounds more like back-pedalling to me Cam, sorry. As I said by email feel free to prove me wrong and refund Nix and myself at your earliest convenience. If you do - I'll be the first to post here and let everyone know you made good.
If not I'll be happy to let the courts sort it out with costs and interest.