Can money buy happiness?

Those who say that it cannot buy happiness are hopeless romantics, basing their opinion on their own situation and outlook rather than a logical assessment of the world they actually live in.

I think the problem most people are having is that they are misreading the question or they are reading it correctly and the OP worded it incorrectly.

If the question was "Does money always buy happiness" then the answer is definitely no, there are many people in many situations who's outlook would not be "happy" with more money. But "can" it? Yes it definitely can, provably.

Quoted for truth.
I don't know, and I'm not poor.

I have nice things, no mortgage, and have the opportunity to retire in my early fifties.

Happiness? I get more sense of peace and well being out of meditation than the things that I own.

It is nice not to have to worry about money, true, but it is not the be all and end all. Happiness comes from within.
Money can't bring you happiness but a lack of money will bring you unhappiness if it places stresses on the basic needs of life. I've had money and not had money and this is what I've found. Somethings money can buy may bring you happiness other things that may bring you happiness do not cost.
Money is happiness. Better recognise.

straight up like that. you can get this telly and that girl with money

Indirectly yes, there are several things I would rather be doing with my time (that would make me 'happy'), money is a prerequisite in order for those things so...

This... + also good health. No point having all the money in the world if you're going to die soon.

If I had enough money, I'd be able to make paper airplanes using money and not worry about where it lands.
I meant clinical depression/mental illness. Usually caused by nothing in particular (not always, obviously, but you get my point). If money can buy happiness then surely it is the cure?
Can you be happy without money?

Yes, of course. Just not here, or most other places!

The fundamental things you need as a starting point are your basic necessities. Food, water, shelter, warmth. In most places you must have money to supply those. And it's impossible to be happy of you are seriously lacking any of those.

Once you get past a certain amount of money and have those bases covered, our happiness then starts to depend more on our mental health. You then need:

Company (friends/partner/husband/wife). It's impossible for most people to be happy and lonely at the same time. Does money help here? Nope. As long as you're not a scrounger, friends don't care how wealthy you are* (*if your name starts with "Lord" or ends in "Esquire", this might not apply to you!)

Purpose. We each have to find our own, irrespective of income. No doubt more money opens more doors, but at a fundamental level you can have purpose in life without being rich.

Self-respect. Whether it's hard work, or intellectual pursuits, or just being an all-round nice guy, we need to think well of ourselves. No one is happy who doesn't like himself. Money absolutely doesn't help here, but it can be a side-effect of hard work.

I firmly believe that no amount of cars, XBoxes, watches or Gucci handbags have any positive effect on happiness whatsoever.
I firmly believe that no amount of cars, XBoxes, watches or Gucci handbags have any positive effect on happiness whatsoever.

I'd be pretty damn over the moon if I woke up tomorrow with a 300 SL on my drive, and would be every morning after. I'd probably die of happiness.
I'd be pretty damn over the moon if I woke up tomorrow with a 300 SL on my drive, and would be every morning after. I'd probably die of happiness.

The excitement of acquiring something is often better than the reality of owning it. You'd be pleased to have it, no doubt, but I'm sure it wouldn't be able to keep you happy on its own :) Everyone gets a buzz when then buy something they've wanted for a long time, but that buzz soon fades away, and we move on to the next thing we want.

That's the trap of consumerism. We think buying stuff will make us happy, but it doesn't last; you need to keep buying more stuff to feel better. In reality it's a very unstable ground to base your happiness on.
The only people who say money doesn't buy happiness are those who don't have any money.

I don't have any money and I believe it can.
I think you mixed up a few words there :P

I'll change my tune a bit though, it might not buy happiness exactly, but you'll be a lot more content with life, more secure and have the ability to do things you would never have been able to eveeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr; and when I say "money" I mean filthy stinking rich. I said it before though, living in this society requires money, a lot of people simple don't have enough and just about get by.

Oh what I'd do with a case full, there's so much out there in the world to see, do, taste, experience, explore, Things you've never done.
I don't want a materialistic life, I just really want to be content, but I'd love to travel without the worry that you're on a budget, on a fixed time, you have to come back and work, bills to pay, people to feed and look after, etc etc, it goes on and on and on. But that's life , just not for all of us.
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You will always spend within your means. (well... you 'should' lol).

Managing your money will bring you happiness. Not having enough will be one part towards not being happy.

Right now, if I had a fair bit more more, I wouldn't be here I would be with my wife and child in the USA... so the immediate impact would be happiness. Long term in the USA.. yes... the lack of having to worry about it would have course be a large step towards being happy, but having money in and of itself is not happiness.
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