Can money buy happiness?

If you offered me unlimited money for life but I could never spend another minute with my wife I'd turn it down every time. She trumps everything else the world has to offer by an unmeasurable amount. Obviously you can't ever buy that feeling - so sappy...urgh

Mods, I'd like to use this as my entry for the 2015 most idiotic post award

Being poor and struggling to pay bills, buy clothes for your children, heat your home, put food on the tables is not very fun at all.

Being rich lets you live the life you want. that can make you very happy, it can also make people very depressed.

Personally, although i don''t feel i need to be some multimillionaire I would love to have enough money such that I never have to work another day in my life for a person/company who I don't believe in and wouldn't do voluntarily. I would likely work, but extremely reduced hours and be very picky for who or what. Ideally I would have enough money (>3-4m) so I would work for free, applying my expertise to charities.

I would spend my time traveling, skiing, training for endurance sports, traveling some more, Himalayan expeditions (K2 would be a dream), and more traveling.
Money personally wouldn't make me happy.
If I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't be happy in the deep sense of the word
The old joke applies.

They say money can't buy you happiness but I would like to try it and find out for myself.
I don't think it'd make me happy but I'd sure feel a lot better knowing I had no debts and enough money to cover whatever things in life may pop up.
The only (major) worry in my life is Money, everything else is pretty much already on happy or better so yes money would make me happy(ier).
What about in the shallow, perma world wide cruise, drunken orgy kinda way? :p

The worst thing is, I don't think I'd enjoy it. I hate that I wouldn't as nows the perfect time!
I have this stupid issue where I need connection

Buuut I've never tried carefree side!
But to get to that point, you need confidence!

Money would certainly make life 'easy'. Dunno if I would want that. Big part of. Life for me is saving up etc
Do wonder what drives you when you can have almost everything.
That's a problem I doubt I'll encounter haha
It would for me, im a simple guy, gaming,anime,raving and traveling are things that make me happy..and of course..some pussy on the side..and i dont mean kittens :P
Depends what the tradeoff is. I was earning triple what I'm on now in my previous job, but I'm a lot happier.

Still earning a decent amount now...but life is just a lot better without all the carp that came with the old job.

Checked your blood pressure to see?
Yes money can make you happy. Having the money to cover all your bills and live comfortable is happiness. Not having to stress because you don't have any money is happiness.
I don't think money is perfectly directionally proportional to happiness.

However, massive amounts of money can buy things that lead to happiness:
- Premium private healthcare for whole family (the best thing money can buy imo)
- New/Luxury cars
- No mortgage on a decent house
- Flash holidays and/or travel the world
- Fancy clothes (not really into this myself tbh)
- All latest tech
- A cleaner, decorator and gardener
- Lump sum to both Brothers and to Parents

A lot of money would cause problems though, such as snobbery (oh look at the peasant mowing my lawn) and gold diggers (lovers and/or friends).
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