Can money buy happiness?

Money solves a lot of life's necessities and even problems and offer luxuries but it doesn't buy happiness.
I'd go along with this... Sure, you don't have to worry about paying the rent but you can still be unlucky in love, have health problems, fall out with people, be hassled, lose people you care about and a whole bunch of other things. I'm pretty sure there are wealthy people that would swap it all to save the life of a loved one, or have a loving, happy family life for example.

Money may take away some worry and some of lifes niggles, it certainly gives you choices but I don't think it gives you happiness per se.
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Of course it can, but not for everyone. I'd be very happy not to have money issues. ie Have a house paid for, not have to worry about council tax bills, utility bills, car bills, food bills etc which all eat up my salary and would be impossible to go without. If I didn't have to work I'd have more time to spend with my wife and son, go and explore the world, do things I enjoy like growing my own food, and I'd have the money and time to spend on furthering my learning in order to improve my lifestyle (carpentry etc).
But not everyone hates to work if i won the lottery I'd still carry on doing work because it's something I want to do.

Giving up my job would be the first thing I'd do - not only does it put my own destiny back in my hands, but if I'd got so much money I didn't need to work I think it would be morally wrong if I didn't give up my job in favour of someone not in such a fortunate position.

I believe money can buy you happiness if you are an ignorant uncaring person who doesnt care about anything or anyone but himself.You could find yourself being a millionaire tomorrow and life a happy life hogging all your money and paying min wage for people to scrub your floor while you go bowling or whatever!

How **** would you feel though about kids starving in africa or that little girl who needed life saving surgery that costs 10x the amount thier family could ever afford? Could you keep most of it and say sod them its not my fault? At the end of the day most money is bad money as nearly all the wealth the west has right now comes from us ripping off poorer nations like we did to china during the industrial age and you do not want to know how many people died or suffered due to that trust me.You cant take it with you and money wont love you back.

You are also in the position to change others life's once you become mega rich as well.To those with great wealth comes great responsibility.

I can't believe I'm getting so involved in a discussion about a hypothetical situation, but seeing as you quoted a couple of paragraphs of my post, I'll assume that the earlier part of yours was also aimed mainly at me and anybody who doesn't follow your pseudo-socialist view of the world.

All I'll say is this - I had already intimated that I would get more enjoyment from giving a sum of money to my parents than anything I could do for myself, so knock it off with the 'ignorant, uncaring' comments. And nowhere did I say that I wouldn't 'spread the wealth' wider than that.

I've always said if won the lottery I'd end up giving the lion's share of it away once myself and my immediate family were taken care of - very sorry if my making myself and my family my initial priority doesn't fit with your brand of politics.
Yes money buys me happiness. Hottest HO's, fast cars, and villa in Spain.

You don't have any of those things :confused:

I've put those on order. Hot Ho's, fast cars nissan GTR and nice villa on Spain.



Money offers choices and can remove a lot of worries. Having more opportunities means you have more opportunities to be happy, but ultimately you are in control of your own happiness. Some people will never be happy, others will always be, but most of us would probably be a bit happier if money wasn't an immediate concern because we could easily focus on a fulfilling life rather than paying the bills.

Exactly my views!
A little extra would be nice. But as long as I'm fed and the bills are paid im happy I guess. Its also nice to have to save for something rather than just get it. You appreciate it more.
Bit difficult to answer because everyone is different. I believe true happiness comes from contentment. I imagine most will want enough to feel comfortable and safe but for some that means a huge house, many cars, holidays abroad or whatever which is often never realistically obtainable or sustainable. Guess it also depends on your own morals too. Someone immoral probably wants more money/power.
Of course it can't, that's why since the recession hit everyone has been much happier, jesus it's like non stop good news every day.
Of course it can't, that's why since the recession hit everyone has been much happier, jesus it's like non stop good news every day.
You are in my quote book for the truth.
Kind of, it depends on how you have lived your life.
But I don't think it is permanent. Just think how many hours are in a week.
You will feel depressed if you don't do something productive within these hours. The real masters of happiness are people like Bill Gates. Where at whatever time of day, he can say that he has done something productive to society.

( Please forgive my grammar, it's 1 AM).
i guess it depends upon people view on life. if someone needs money as capital to start their own business without taking out a lot of debts from bank then hell yeah that's one reason to be happy, but if you only want money for the sake of having it so you can leave your job and live a carefree life you're probably get bored, lose your friends and drink yourself to death in a bar. having money is i suppose nice for financial security but it can never replace the true value of family, friends and your passion.
Simple answer is no. I went to school with a guy who won the lottery, but he is still not happy. In fact he is miserable cause he doesn't know which girls properly want him or just want his money. Also he wrote off his Ferrari but that's another story...
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