Can money buy happiness?

freedom not to work (interest), freedom to employ tutors in any subject you could possibly with to comprehend, freedom to goto hot tropical places whenever your see fit, freedom to enjoy all the skanks a couple of bottles of liebfrowmilch dressed up as vintage dom could get ya. 6 star all the way, ooosh
Yes it can.

I buy things and it makes me happy. Simple.

Can you be happy without said item though? Ofc you can.

It all depends on what you do with it really, but in simple terms money does buy happiness .
Lots of money can remove a lot of anxieties, but it does bring in itself further trials and tribulations.

I don't think it does. I think it just shifts any perceived sadness into a different form.

I suppose it depends how superficial you are too.
Im going to say yes it can, id like to pretend im a deeper person and come up with some clap trap to back it up but the simple fact is most of life is a struggle to survive and that is a waste of time, being free from that would allow you to be as happy as you wanted to be.
Whilst I would say that it can create its own set of problems, I would say that having money is a positive thing.

It allows you to focus on other problems without the usual worries of survival.

Maslows heirachy of needs and all that.
No, you can't buy happiness.

Mostly because it's an emotion & therefore an abstract concept - not a tangible product.

But you can avoid poverty/debt & work related misery - so in essence you are far more capable of being happy.

Most negative attitudes are actually related to a persons individual point of view, which money doesn't really change that much - so if you are a miserable git without reason, money won't make you happy.

If you are only unhappy because you are wallowing in debt & living in a converted dustbin - money will make you happy.
One sense, you think so, but everyone becomes accustom to the amount they earn, so you can be happy on very little indeed.

Saying that, I like nice things, they cost money. But does that give me overall happiness? Not long term, like seeing the kids faces when they're skiing, or trying things that they'd never dreamed of. Though, like said to start, you get used to what you have and they'd have been just as happy trying less expensive things than holidays and skiing, as they wouldn't know any different.
It depends on your personality, your circumstances, and what your idea of 'fun' is.

Does it? - not guaranteed.
Can it? - absolutely yes.
It could buy short term happiness - I would be over the moon to be super rich and be able to buy myself a helicopter and a big house and a new house for my parents and new cars and anything we wanted and not have to worry about bills etc but in the end it doesn't make you happy. Happiness is made by having friends and family that love you etc.

Money will give you a lot of friends but none of them will be "real friends".
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