Can money buy happiness?

Money buys me happiness (not infinite and note entirely because of money, though).

The poor exchange their time for money, and the rich exchange their money for time.

With money, I am able to buy more time to do and enjoy the things I want.
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In years gone by I have been very very unhappy due to not being able to meet rent/bills/having no money at all (all of this is my fault, i'm not denying that) and also wishing to have a lifestyle that simply wasn't affordable.

Now I am by no means rich, but I can meet all of my bills easily and have some spare for pursuing my passion - cars.

I am a lot happier now than I used to be and the only thing that has changed is no worrying about money all the time.

Therefore, yes, money can buy happiness, even if it's just buying your out of unhappiness.
I believe it does, yes.

I tell you, if I found out any time soon that I'd never have to work again and would be able to break away from the 9-5, 5 day week, I'd be utterly ecstatic as I hate having to work. Anyone would be. You might get bored after a while, but just do something interesting with your time instead. You could travel, do a rewarding job (charity), or whatever takes your fancy. It'd rock.

This ^.

I've never understood lottery winners who say they wish they'd never won and had never been so miserable, blah, blah, blah.

Think about it: you are in a position to do whatever the hell you want with the rest of your life, rather than have that decision forced upon you and/or constrained by your current circumstances. I love my job, but my destiny is in the hands of others - I can't see why having that control back in your own hands is something to be unhappy about?

Depending on how much you'd won, you can set your parents up for the remainder of their lives - that simple act alone would give me more enjoyment than any of the immediate benefits that came my way. I would love to see my parents want for nothing, in return for the love and stability they gave and sacrifices they made for me as a child.

Okay, I guess the biggest problem would be finding something to do with the rest of your days, but compared to life as a wage slave, constantly rising cost of living and some bugger always dipping into your pocket for something or other, that's the kind of problem I'd like to have!
If I had enough money not to work i'd no longer have to be a train/bus ******.

If one didn't have to work one would have the freedom of choice of what to do each day, I wouldn't be tied to a schedule - go where i wanted to, when I wanted to. I could study new things, I could travel to places and see the world, I could take up non-money making hobbies full time. I could afford what I wanted. I could live a fullfilling life.

Instead I am stuck in a work/weekend cycle with very limited free time, with the occasional holiday and am not schedule flexible each day.
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I believe it does, yes.

I tell you, if I found out any time soon that I'd never have to work again and would be able to break away from the 9-5, 5 day week, I'd be utterly ecstatic as I hate having to work. Anyone would be. You might get bored after a while, but just do something interesting with your time instead. You could travel, do a rewarding job (charity), or whatever takes your fancy. It'd rock.

But not everyone hates to work :p if i won the lottery I'd still carry on doing work because it's something I want to do.
I believe money can buy you happiness if you are an ignorant uncaring person who doesnt care about anything or anyone but himself.You could find yourself being a millionaire tomorrow and life a happy life hogging all your money and paying min wage for people to scrub your floor while you go bowling or whatever!

How **** would you feel though about kids starving in africa or that little girl who needed life saving surgery that costs 10x the amount thier family could ever afford? Could you keep most of it and say sod them its not my fault? At the end of the day most money is bad money as nearly all the wealth the west has right now comes from us ripping off poorer nations like we did to china during the industrial age and you do not want to know how many people died or suffered due to that trust me.You cant take it with you and money wont love you back.

I've never understood lottery winners who say they wish they'd never won and had never been so miserable, blah, blah, blah.

Think about it: you are in a position to do whatever the hell you want with the rest of your life

You are also in the position to change others life's once you become mega rich as well.To those with great wealth comes great responsibility.
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I believe money can buy you happiness if you are an ignorant uncaring person who doesnt care about anything or anyone but himself.You could find yourself being a millionaire tomorrow and life a happy life hogging all your money and paying min wage for people to scrub your floor while you go bowling or whatever!


If I won the lottery id buy my mom a house, this is caring and would make me happy.

What's Africa got to do with money buying you happiness.

People are looking too deep into this, I want something that makes me happy, the only way to get it is with money, so I have to buy it which makes me happy.

Its really as simple as that.
Do you even know where money comes from?? Its not like its created out of thin air.To get a million you have to take a million from others.So your mum can own a house haha does she live in a tin shack or something?

You basically proved my point though, winning millions and the only thing you can mention is you which you did twice at least ^^ Nothing else you can think of doing with that million or so? Didnt think so...
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Do you even know where money comes from?? Its not like its created out of thin air.To get a million you have to take a million from others.So your mum can own a house haha does she live in a tin shack or something?

You basically proved my point though, winning millions and the only thing you can mention is you or me which you did twice at least ^^ Nothing else you can think of doing with that million or so? Didnt think so...

There is a lot of good I can do with a million.

Your judging me in bad light on my example on giving money away to help others? Lol

I'm sorry but I can't cure all the worlds suffering on a million mate.

What would you do with a million lotto win?
Do you even know where money comes from?? Its not like its created out of thin air.To get a million you have to take a million from others.

Um, yes money is just created out of thin air. Generally the money supply is always increasing and for someone to get a million you certainly don't have to take it from others
What would you do with a million lotto win?

Hire a hitman and arm him with two AA-12 shotguns and send him into the next tory party conference.I cant think of anything better that offers better value for money sorry.
Depends entirely on how you get the money imo.

I know if somebody who gained a very substantial sum (circa £2m) but it was due to two quick deaths in his family, of both parents.

In his case, it most certainly hasn't bought him happiness, if anything, it's destroyed him as its given him the funds to try to drown the pain in drink, drugs and hangers on.
No definitely not...

You are either happy or you are not. True happiness only comes from inside / internal validation, a strong frame and a quiet mind!

Money can definitely make life more comfortable though.

I have realised that when ever I got what I thought I needed or wanted including money it only ever brought temporary satisfaction.

Outcome independence is key and not allowing the randomness of life dictate when you are happy/sad i.e. if happy things make you happy and sad things make you sad you are always at the mercy of external events.
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