Can someone give me a reason not to detest Gwyneth Paltrow?

Was hoping for an interesting discussion on separating the art from the artist, tbh

Where do you draw the line, do you ever draw the line? Some artists/celebrities have done some pretty heinous stuff
Youre ok with scam artists preying on the meek and gullible then?
Well, a fool and his (or her) money.... Besides, is it a scam if they're happy with the product?
People have been scamming others with BS cosmetics, medications and such for decades, and will continue to do so until consumers themselves wise up. Heck, you can still buy a well-known 19th Century 'cure' for morphine addiction that is also a mental health tonic, nerve stimulant and a headache cure, although its marketing is somewhat different nowadays...

Why are you targeting Gwynneth, anyway, when there are far more people being scammed and ripped off by far bigger fish... Intel and Nvidia, for example, or the tat-sellers on Amazon, or just the whole wellness/crystal industry in Glastonbury.
Is it that much easier to pick on a pretty-faced* lone woman, than a pretty faceless corporation, you big bully, you....? :p

*Subjective, of course. I personally wouldn't, but feel free to have a go yourself.
Paltrow the actor is a very good one whose early works were fantastic but all her recent work in the MCU doesn't stretch for her abilities at all, but I guess it's a nice easy paycheck.

Paltrow the person I see on SM etc - Kooky, not someone I would trust for medical advice, but inoffensive to me with her beliefs.
She sort of crept under my radar, the name brings to mind a slim attractive actress, looking at her career I think she's done some OK stuff and stuff to bring the money in.
Obviously has her head screwed on business wise.
No reason to dislike, and vegan wins points in my world.
There's always going to be the nodding dogs in these threads, the ones who probebly joined in with the bullying at school but from a very safe distance

I think I'd get tired of hearing about veganism 24/7.
Some anagrams from her name:

Wetly pong wrath.

Wow - lengthy prat.

Wrongly wept hat.

Glyph owner ****.

My personal favourite....

RPG wealthy town (!)
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