Can someone give me a reason not to detest Gwyneth Paltrow?

Well, a fool and his (or her) money.... Besides, is it a scam if they're happy with the product?
People have been scamming others with BS cosmetics, medications and such for decades, and will continue to do so until consumers themselves wise up. Heck, you can still buy a well-known 19th Century 'cure' for morphine addiction that is also a mental health tonic, nerve stimulant and a headache cure, although its marketing is somewhat different nowadays...

Why are you targeting Gwynneth, anyway, when there are far more people being scammed and ripped off by far bigger fish... Intel and Nvidia, for example, or the tat-sellers on Amazon, or just the whole wellness/crystal industry in Glastonbury.

Indeed, I didnt start the thread did I xD
Some anagrams from her name:

Wetly pong wrath.

Wow - lengthy prat.

Wrongly wept hat.

Glyph owner ****.

My personal favourite....

RPG wealthy town (!)
Anagrams are fun. I could cheat but there's a simply pleasure in rearranging letters by hand.

After 10 mins, the best I had were...

glow threw panty
pretty wang howl
she stole the ops husband and let Tony Stark die. that's reason enough to hate her i'd have thought.

She could have saved Tony if it weren't for the fact that the iron man suit made it really difficult to get the magical jade egg up his poo pipe.

On another note I hear she recently suggested sunscreen is incredibly bad for the skin and warned against its use. Selling fake cures and promoting activities likely to lead to illness? That's some effective synergy right there.
"Can someone give me a reason not to detest Gwyneth Paltrow"

I appreciate this may get some hate but i did enjoy her song with Tim McGraw

.....apart from that struggling:p

I’m not a Country music aficionado, but I kinda liked that, and I’d watch that movie.
If you haven’t dated a woman from the border area of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, then you’ve missed out big time.
You may both need an interpreter, but you’ll be glad that you took the chance.
Can someone give me a reason not to detest Gwyneth Paltrow?

When the social credit system is eventually rolled out in full and everyone has a mass database on all of their historical actions you'll forever be smeared as a "misogynist" because disliking one woman is the same as disliking all women in woke tyrannical land.
Wouldn't usually bother, but she has made it her business to sell snake oil in the guise of better health. Putting peoples lives and health at risk should always be called out on and publicly shamed. She also has had quite a few law suits against her and her BS company.
She ruins iron man movies. Would still have sex with her. Not that she would let me. Ha.

I find myself in fifty-fifty agreement with you, I’m too old to successfully chase tail now, but as a younger man, given the opportunity, I’d have been in there like the proverbial rat up a drainpipe.
Conversely, if an Iron Man movie was showing on a screen in my back yard, I wouldn’t look out of the window.
I’m not a Country music aficionado, but I kinda liked that, and I’d watch that movie.
If you haven’t dated a woman from the border area of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, then you’ve missed out big time.
You may both need an interpreter, but you’ll be glad that you took the chance.

Is there any part of the world that you haven't banged a woman from? :D

She's no Kate Beckinsale though.

Not sure if you're taking the pee or not, but Kate Beckinsale in her prime was fine AF (edit: and I'm pretty sure I still would now).
Is there any part of the world that you haven't banged a woman from? :D

Not sure if you're taking the pee or not, but Kate Beckinsale in her prime was fine AF (edit: and I'm pretty sure I still would now).


Sorry if my post didn't come out right.

Her in those underworld movies, damn..........
Is there any part of the world that you haven't banged a woman from? :D

It would be easier to declare where I’ve been lucky, there are a whole slew of countries where I struck out!
Women from U.K., France, Sweden, U.S. (frequently), and Poland, would occasionally be happy with me.
Spain, Portugal, and Greece were good for me too, but with French, English, and Swedish women.
These were all between when I was around 18, until circa 40, I started a relationship then with the woman to whom I’m now married, and although I lusted in my heart still, I’d been caught before, and there was no way that I’d chance being caught again, life’s too good with this one :)
Conversely, if an Iron Man movie was showing on a screen in my back yard, I wouldn’t look out of the window.
About 50% by volume of all scenes in Iron Man movies, are close-ups of R.D.Jr's face, with a glowing HUD projected over it.

It gets old, fast.
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