Yes, It was a Tuesday, 11:03:56.321 and I remember it distinctly because my wife had tried to substitute my usual McVities hob-knobs with some inferior Tesco own brand, this stood out to me because if I am not mistaken, the oats used had approximately 20% less gluten from taste and mouth-feel and a marked drop in fructose levels.. They also seemed far more irregular in size, approximately 83.45% the nominal size of an original hob-knob..
This set my mind in a state of un-ease and when signing up and so being in a heightened mental state I noted the text alignment of the sign up form to be questionable so inspected the HTML source to find a litany of errors, probably hidden because lazy developers tend to make the HTML not justified meaningfully for human consumption, and I dared not go on to review the CSS since that might have prompted me not to sign up had that fell below acceptable standards, I made a note of the 47 errors, detailed their location (line number/column) with several accepted resolutions and a paragraph or two of helpful development advice on how to avoid these at a later date, I can provide a full synopsis if required, but for brevity, I'll just say that I eventually did get around to start filling in the form.
Halfway through filling in the form, I had 2 flies frequenting my study, and I was struggled to identify them, at first glance you might have thought house fly, but actually my mind was telling me that they didn't fit the normal genus and my mind was screaming 'cluster fly'.. one of the blighters landed smack bang on top of the monitor, right about the OCUK logo, which also has several pixel level defects, apporoximately 12 of the pixels were indicative of poor masking and anti-aliasing artefacts and I distinctly remember adding the pro's and con's of bicubic interpolation to my 'developer' notes that I intended sending in to OCUK post sign up, anyway, I digress, I inspected the flies thorax carefully and saw the distinctive golden hairs which mark the cluster fly out from its smaller family member.
Quite an eventful day I can tell you.