Can you remember where you were when you joined OcUK?

I think I wanted help with a computer upgrade... then had shut downs playing doom 3... I was at uni with a comparative abundance of free time!
I would have been 15 or so, living at home with my parents. I imagine the majority of my time would have been spent on MSN and playing The Myth of Soma mmo.

I originally signed up and shared the account that @West now has, back in the days when you needed an ISP email and I didn't have one.

I doubt things would have changed much when I signed up on this account a bit later.
Total thief:cry:
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2002, wow I'm old :o (I was registered under a different name back then)

I remember OH at the time saying "you should join the forums it's brilliant"... yeah still on the fence about that :p certainly not like it used to be
Was sat in our room at my parents house looking over his shoulder at the camel spider threads.
Those were the days of ICQ, playing snake on my Nokia 3310 (Which I still have at my mums somewhere) and going to rent a movie from Choices on Friday night. Ahh memories

Who was the user who used to be really good at the drawings in Paint?
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Pre the nuke.

2001 or maybe 2002

At college browsing the Hercules web site looking at the Geforce 2 MX cards getting ready to buy one.

There was a link on that Hercules website to OcUK and that was my first time here.
I don't recall what my first post was however I will have joined up whilst at home probably to ask some questions about building my first PC as the PC bought from Time (think that's right ashamedly), that my brother and I bought between us, wasn't that great.
Pre Nuke member as well.. I used to use the forums and buy from Overclockers when i worked at my old job so probably about 2000. We used to go over to the Fenton place in the tunnel. I still remember buying i believe Athlon XP 1700 (I believe that was the one that you had to drill into the top of the substrate) And an Akasa Silver Mountain cooler.. :D
There's an whole generation of users who don't know that to make chips go quicker we either drilled into them, drew on them with pencils or soldered pins together :)
Yup, now its just all "alter these settings in the bios and make sure your cooling is good enough" ... *Old man hat on* Back in the day you had to drill into the CPU to cut a tract that limited the multi or like you said use a pencil/metalic pen to get it to overclock.. Oh and on top of that the Delta Fan on the Silver Mountain cooler made ears bleed.. :D I guess the only comparative process now would be delidding CPUs.
Kinda - I can't remember where I was when I originally signed up, but I do remember where I was when I had to re-signup following the 2002 nuke. I was in the dining room at my dad's house and getting annoyed that it kept rejecting my email address. Basically they had some policy whereby you couldn't use 'free' email addresses to signup, at the time my main email addresses were and which were free services. What made it worse was I don't think it even told you up front, you'd register and then get rejected hours/days later or something?
That's why my join date is a week later than most, because it took a few days of faffing about before I found an email address that was accepted.
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