Can you remember where you were when you joined OcUK?

First profile at Uni many moons ago revelling over the Photoshop thread that compared how fast it rendered a Gaussian Blur on an image and seeing if machine was fast enough!

Second time around was at home on a machine way faster than those from circa 2005 :D
Yes, in my bedroom whilst still living with parents and it was 2 days before Christmas and was still using a AMD Athlon CPU. I overclocked the CPU and opened the window and was testing the lowest temperature I could get :cry:
Mum and Dads house probably after finishing uni.... before getting my arse into gear.

Pretty sure this is a "second" account because my main one was a Freeserve email adress and i totally lost access to all that.

so this was Efour2 but i got it renamed to Efour...
I was cutting out the side of my beige colour PC case with a Dremel and fitting neon strings to the side. It was a bio hazard cut out logo, sprayed the case all black with a can, having a rest in between coats and found Ocuk
Mmmmmm, 2005

I have a feeling after buying a pre-built Dan Pentium P66 back in 1996 (which I later upgraded with a new motherboard and cyrix cpu), I joined ocuk as I was about to start my first ever proper build. Can't quite remember what it was, but I know it was in one of those giant biege cases everyone loved at the time, and I think it was an AMD thunder something?
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It was the day I got abducted. I was transported to an unknown location with a hessian bag over my head. Bag was removed and as I came to, a glimmer of a PC desk inside an otherwise empty room came into view. A tannoy message in a distinctly fake Italian accent gave orders to sign up to the forums or reach a perilous demise. I kicked, I shouted, but hours passed by and there was no alternative but to sign up. As I typed those keys and hit Enter, my vision turned into a kaleidoscope of heatsinks and memory chips. Is this to be my future, I thought to myself. I eventually lost consciousness and woke up back in the computer parts aisle of Maplin.
I was at work and a colleague and I were planning to update our PCs to Windows Vista. We both bought an OEM version from OCUK. It was a terrible experience. It kept crashing and was unstable as anything. I created a thread after signing up moaning about how awful it was. It turned out my ram was dodgy.
I joined pre-nuke and it was sitting at a uni computer in my 3rd year in Portsmouth engineering faculty purchasing an overclocked AMD Athlon Thunderbird with a 60mm delta screamer in a bundle... god, going on 22 years ago now!
What year was that?

I was in Portsmouth working at IBM in North Harbour late 90s to mid 00s. Don't remember the exact year 99 or 2000, bought the AMD Slot A with VOS32 and Delta fans.
In my room on my PC. Reading the General Hardware section after lurking for a while I signed up.
There was a user called hottiger or something similar who was super helpful in the Hardware sub-forum.
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