@mmj_uk what is you take on Liz Cheney being removed from her roles in the Republican party? Is she being cancelled for not agreeing that Trump was beaten due to fraud?
The English language is a wonderfully varied tool that allow people to convey their thoughts to one another, if "ordinary people are scared to voice traditional opinions and scientific facts" (whatever an ordinary person is) then perhaps they need to try rephrasing things so they're not misunderstood and not causing offence.
It doesn't basically say that at all. If you're using words you know to be offensive then that's on you, if someone takes offence at something you say then the onus is on you to rephrase so as not to cause offence, if you lack the vocabulary to do so that's on you.Huh, thats basically saying that the onus is on the world to tiptoe around anyone who might be offended by something they say which is complete BS. This idea that we should bend the world to the will of the few is quite ridiculous.
Its not a case of someone being misunderstood, its a simple case of disagreement. When people are experts at being offended at the smallest perceived slight, you want everyone to pander to their delicate constitutions and adhere to their world view.
Its not even a case of left vs right, its a case of the vast majority of people not really giving a crap about things and then being told that their indifference is racist/transphobic or bigoted.
There are plenty of things that we should be aiming to be better at but there are also plenty of things that are just fine as they are and the push to change them is counterproductive and dangerous as its achieving the complete opposite of what we should want. Identity politics is fundamentally toxic and is more divisive than it is inclusive. We used to listen to the moderate voices of minority groups because they were usually sensible and spoke with experience and understanding. Now we bow to the most aggressive and regressive voices in these groups.
I think this line explains it for you.It doesn't basically say that at all. If you're using words you know to be offensive then that's on you, if someone takes offence at something you say then the onus is on you to rephrase so as not to cause offence, if you lack the vocabulary to do so that's on you.
It's got nothing to do with disagreement, people can disagree without causing offence. That is unless you're suggesting that someone sets-out to cause offence and they've not simply been misunderstood, personally i assume the other person is acting in good faith until they prove otherwise, if they're not willing to rephrase something they're aware causes offence then they're no longer acting on good faith, they've proven their intention was to cause offence.
Not sure why you feel this has anything to do with so called "Identity politics".
We used to listen to the moderate voices of minority groups because they were usually sensible and spoke with experience and understanding. Now we bow to the most aggressive and regressive voices in these groups.
Nutters!Bob Baffert, whose horse faces disqualification from the Kentucky Derby after a failed drugs test, has blamed the situation on “cancel culture”.
Medina Spirit won this month’s Derby by half a length at Churchill Downs but on Sunday it emerged the horse had tested positive for double the legal amount of the steroid betamethasone after the race. Churchill Downs has suspended Baffert from entering horses at the track, and indicated it would invalidate Medina Spirit’s victory if the results of the drug test are upheld.
During an appearance on Fox News on Monday, Baffert appeared to suggest he was a victim of larger forces. “Churchill Downs came out with that statement – that was pretty harsh,” said Baffert. “With all the noise … We live in a different world now. This America is different. It was like a cancel culture kind of a thing so they’re reviewing it. I haven’t been told anything.”
Baffert has had at least 30 positive doping tests for his horses, but insisted to Fox that he runs a clean operation.
“We live in a new world now. These horses don’t live in a bubble,” he said. “They’re in an open farm. People are touching them. He went from the Derby to after the Derby everybody’s out there touching them. I mean there’s so many ways these horses can get contaminated and when they’re testing at these really ridiculously low levels … I’ve been saying it for over a year now these are gonna get innocent people in trouble and this is what happened now.”
Baffert also suggested on Monday that Medina Spirit may have tested positive after a groom took cough medicine and urinated on some hay, which the horse then ate.
I saw that one about the racehorses and my immediate reaction was that's not "cancel culture" unless you class doping tests for athletes as cancel culture.
This is quite the bizarre argument.It doesn't basically say that at all. If you're using words you know to be offensive then that's on you, if someone takes offence at something you say then the onus is on you to rephrase so as not to cause offence, if you lack the vocabulary to do so that's on you.
It's got nothing to do with disagreement, people can disagree without causing offence. That is unless you're suggesting that someone sets-out to cause offence and they've not simply been misunderstood, personally i assume the other person is acting in good faith until they prove otherwise, if they're not willing to rephrase something they're aware causes offence then they're no longer acting on good faith, they've proven their intention was to cause offence.
Not sure why you feel this has anything to do with so called "Identity politics".
It doesn't basically say that at all. If you're using words you know to be offensive then that's on you, if someone takes offence at something you say then the onus is on you to rephrase so as not to cause offence, if you lack the vocabulary to do so that's on you.
It's got nothing to do with disagreement, people can disagree without causing offence. That is unless you're suggesting that someone sets-out to cause offence and they've not simply been misunderstood, personally i assume the other person is acting in good faith until they prove otherwise, if they're not willing to rephrase something they're aware causes offence then they're no longer acting on good faith, they've proven their intention was to cause offence.
You say that but someone on these very forums took offence at my use of the word "fella", in that situation they didn't tell me that they considered that word offensive or explain why, i only discovered they found it offensive and the reasons they took offence after, i assume, reporting it to a mod. So no there are not very few people and/or few words that can cause offence, the onus is on the person to make it know that they find a word offensive and then it's on the other person whether they choose to either not use that word or find an alternative.This is quite the bizarre argument.
Very few people are using words that others find offensive. Other than racial slurs, which I doubt many people here would dream of uttering, there are few words that can cause offense simply by their use. I will assume since you talk about vocabulary causing offense that this is the gist of your argument - that substituting one word for another is the solution.
However, mostly these days it's ideas that cause offense. So if you were to say, "trans-women boxing against real women and demolishing them is a travesty," then you would cause offense to the trans-advocacy groups.
If you were to say, "I refuse to apologise for things that happened well before I was born," you would cause offense to the people who demand modern-day white people should feel guilt over the European/American slave trade.
That's my point though, the offender and offended can't read each others minds so the only way to understand the other persons thoughts is to have a conversation, both parties can only know if the other is intentionally wanting to cause or take offence by acting in good faith, if someone makes it know that they find a word offensive and when you rephrase it they still find it offensive there's only so far you'd go before coming to the conclusion that they're not acting in good faith, that's they're purposefully taking offence and visa versa, if after repeated notifications that a word causes offence the person continues to use that word then you know they're not acting in good faith, that they're intention is to cause offence, that it's not about having a conversation about the issue at hand.Of course it is. If you purposely intend to offend someone then thats on you. If someone decides to take offence to something you have said when your intent is simply to have a discussion then maybe, just maybe they need to grow up. Someone complaining when you greet a group of people with "hey guys" or you forget someones gender because you know, you see them rarely or have never met them and you simply don't know or forget. If you want to, its very easy to be offended at every turn.
Why do you think that the onus is on everyone to make sure that the other party is not offended. Genuine question. Much like racism, its usually very easy to see when someone is actually racist and yet we have suddenly seen racism everywhere. With your logic, the responsibility there is on the person accused of racism to change their behaviour because someone else has decided that what they are doing is wrong. That makes zero sense and gives one side all the power to change the world to fit their worldview.
TBH I've not read the above, that's on me as it's taken me an hour just to get this far.Or they simply don't agree that what you have taken offence with is actually an issue. This is the crux of the point. I find it offensive to suggest that women and men are the same and should be treated as such. They are not the same. They have different strengths and weaknesses and goals in life. I think that suggesting trans women should be treated at biological women is very damaging to women in many respects and plenty of people would call that trans-phobic and take offence. Both these opinions are offensive to some people no matter how you phrase it.
Just because something offends you or someone else doesn't mean that you have the right to change that persons language or views so that your opinion is validated. As I said above, if someone is trying to offend you then you will usually know about it. We are not talking about someone being outwardly nasty, we are talking about people being offended by the content of what you are saying, not the specific terminology used.
I think that if you are religious and don't believe in gay marriage then you have the right to say that. I think gay people should have all the rights of any other group but I don't think that we have the right to tell people they can't disagree. If they are saying "I don't thinking ******* faggots should be able to marry" then they are clearly being nasty and should be ignored but they still have the right to their scummy opinion.
It does no one any good to be told that whenever you are offended, the other person is in the wrong and should adjust their behaviour. If you don't agree with someone then thats fine. If you don't like the way they have said something, fine. Thats life. You will encounter that. We shouldn't all be catering to the most delicate constitutions.
You say that but someone on these very forums took offence at my use of the word "fella", in that situation they didn't tell me that they considered that word offensive or explain why, i only discovered they found it offensive and the reasons they took offence after, i assume, reporting it to a mod. So no there are not very few people and/or few words that can cause offence, the onus is on the person to make it know that they find a word offensive and then it's on the other person whether they choose to either not use that word or find an alternative.
Your example of "trans-women boxing against real women and demolishing them is a travesty" is a perfect example
That's my point though, the offender and offended can't read each others minds so the only way to understand the other persons thoughts is to have a conversation, both parties can only know if the other is intentionally wanting to cause or take offence by acting in good faith, if someone makes it know that they find a word offensive and when you rephrase it they still find it offensive there's only so far you'd go before coming to the conclusion that they're not acting in good faith, that's they're purposefully taking offence and visa versa, if after repeated notifications that a word causes offence the person continues to use that word then you know they're not acting in good faith, that they're intention is to cause offence, that it's not about having a conversation about the issue at hand.
I didn't say "the onus is on everyone to make sure that the other party is not offended", i said once someone makes it know that they find a word offensive the onus is on the people who they made aware of that to either choose to continue using that word and knowingly cause offence or find an alternative. It's not a matter of someone else deciding something, it's a matter of finding out someone's intentions though conversations, are they really interested in discussing the issue or is their intention to either cause or take offence, and you can only do that by putting the onus on the other person so they can choose to either continue to take or cause offence or modify their behaviour so the exchange of ideas and thoughts can continue.
With your logic, the responsibility there is on the person accused of racism to change their behaviour because someone else has decided that what they are doing is wrong. That makes zero sense and gives one side all the power to change the world to fit their worldview.
I get tired of the way that almost every comment anyone makes these days theye are trying to pigeon post it to some political party or other as some kind of slur and political statement. "Radical Liberals", "Crazy Lefties", "Extreme Right". These are terms that are just being used far to often now. Can events not be just examined without a swing at some political party or viewpoint? Invariably the discussion ends up as to what is Liberal, what is not, what is extreme and so on, when all of that doesn't matter at all. Can we not just discuss events from the viewpoint of what we think is right or wrong without getting involved in how to classify it?
I never said you need to change your language, no one can force someone to do something they don't want to do, but if you want to be seen as acting in good faith and that your intention was not to cause offence you would, that's a choice you (not you personally) make. Do you listen, adapt, and take account of the thoughts and feelings of the person you're conversing with or do not.I think this is the crux of the issue. I don't think that you need to change your language. Fella is not offensive in my view and you have the right to use it. If you said ******* or something like that then thats clearly intended to insult them but you haven't. That person has chosen to take offence at your use of the word "fella" which they are welcome to do. I just don't think you have any obligation to change it.
No. Apparently some people think we shouldn't use the word "girls" to talk about women as its degrading and belittles them, and they're welcome to believe and voice that opinion, however once again the onus is on who they've explained that to to either take that onboard and modify their vocabulary when speaking to that person or explain to the person who voiced that opinion why the intention is not to degraded and belittle them.Apparently we shouldn't use the word "girls" to talk about women as its degrading and belittles them. I know a lot of women who use the term to describe their friends. Heck, my partners mother still goes out with the girls and she is in her 60s. Its another case of people ascribing negative connotations to a completely inoffensive term. I talk about going out with the boys and I'm in my 30s. There is no negative intent behind its use but its just another thing that someone has decided to become offended by.
Again no. If someone disagrees with someone's opinion that something is offensive then the onus is on them to explain why they disagree, that the intention was not to cause offence, and then choose to either disregard their thoughts and feelings or take that into account when conversing with them.That was another poster, not me. His point still kind of stands though. The other side of the argument is free to use nasty words like hate crime and trans-phobia and is allowed carte blanche to paint anyone who disagrees with them as a monster while the other side has to tip-toe around the issue.
No one is saying you should stop using a word, that's a personal choice each person makes. If you've been made ware that a word causes offence you can either choose to use another word or carry on using a word that you now know that person finds offensive.I don't think its quite as simple as that though. Just because someone takes offence at a word doesn't mean you should stop using it. I am happy to talk to anyone about any issue but I will not stop using every term or word that they don't like simply because they don't like it. I wouldn't expect them to change their vocabulary to meet my standards either. There has to be some give and take but it shouldn't be the person who is easily offended always getting their way.
And the only way you can know if someone is more interested in taking or causing offence than the issue itself is to test that putting the ball back in their court (so to speak). If you choose to rephrase something so as to avoid what caused offence in the first place and they still take offence, even after multiple attempts, you know they're more interested in taking offence.Thats interesting because I would go complete the opposite direct honestly. The surest way to tell me that you haven't got a valid point in an argument is to focus on things like taking offence at specific words and try to take the debate away from the actual topic of discussion. Aa I have said, you know very easily when someone is trying to be nasty or offensive so assuming their use of an innocuous word is designed to offend is not operating "in good faith".
I never said you need to change your language, no one can force someone to do something they don't want to do, but if you want to be seen as acting in good faith and that your intention was not to cause offence you would, that's a choice you (not you personally) make. Do you listen, adapt, and take account of the thoughts and feelings of the person you're conversing with or do not. [..]
The Rugby Football Union has become the latest institution to sign up to the woke agenda in deciding to drop “Saxons” from the name of the England Rugby squad’s second team because it does not reflect racial diversity. The team will now be known rather less inspiringly as England A.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot will be next.