Can't believe the state of the XBOX 360 DVD playback....

So the XB360 playback ranges from crap to brilliant. :confused:

Personally, I can't stand dvd playback on any console the fan noise just drives me nuts.
I get a few skipped frames with dvd playback which is most apparent when the camera is panning around. I got rid of my sony dvd player before I got my 360 as I was going to use it as my main dvd player but I guess I might just get an Oppo if theres not a patch/update released.
reason its not my main player is because it isnt region free. I got a lot of R1 dvd's so i would be buggered without it
The fan noise is actually less than when in the dashboard.

Shame it'll only give be a 640x480 output... :mad:
my xbox 360 dvd playback is FINE, F.I.N.E ok, so dont give me none of this, your tv obviously is **** or your obviously blind because i played war of the worlds on it infront of 5 people and we all said ' I dont see why people complain about that, it looks fine to me' mmmkay
I dont know if this is the right place to post (didnt want to start a new topic) but hows the video playback from videos in media centre??? Ive got a lot of shows Ive recorded onto my pc and want to know if the playbacks anygood.
gp2x said:
The dvd playback on the 360 is awfull its a common fact. My 40 quid player plays dvds with a much better quality that the 360.

Just get a cheap dvd player....i know its bad but its the only way.

No, it isn't common knowledge. Me and a mate both sat and watched LOTR and the quality was superb. We noticed no dropped frames either. I really am shocked by comments here as to me they just aren't true :confused:. I can't tell the difference between a £300 panasonic DVD player and the 360.
Robert said:
No, it isn't common knowledge. Me and a mate both sat and watched LOTR and the quality was superb. We noticed no dropped frames either. I really am shocked by comments here as to me they just aren't true :confused:. I can't tell the difference between a £300 panasonic DVD player and the 360.
thats exactly my point, it gets on my nerves that if you say something on this forums and the odds are against you it turns into, you must be blind or your tv's ******* ****
Breamy said:
thats what u get for buying microsoft ***p. sony quality is much better

Based on other posts aswell as this one, you won't be around here long.

Anywho, to stay on topic, I also have a problem with the DVD playback from the 360.

I have a Dell W2600 panel and I would quite like to use the 360's scalability to watch my DVDs through the hi-def component input. The picture I find is great overall but for some strange reason, I get a sort of black shaded banding across the screen dependant on where light sources are or the general contrast of the picture. It's really odd and admittedly quite hard to describe. Anyone get what I mean?

It only happens from DVD video. I can watch downloaded hi-def trailers through the 360 and they do not have this problem. Doesn't happen in games either. Doesn't happen when I plug the PS2 or original Xbox in and watch a DVD through them either. Really strange.
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So we've all got 360's that have different sound levels, and now different dvd playback qualities? This is getting real odd :p
Kainz said:
I dumped my sony dvd player because playback was equally as good on the 360. My only annoyance is that some dvd's exhibit frame loss and the voices go out of synch E.G Pirates/Carribbean. Other then that, its comparable to WinDVD running on my pc tbh. There is room for improvement on the dvd player though, and I hope its possible by MS via a dashboard update.

Odd you would say that, but I have only watched 1 movie all the way through on the 360 and that was Pirates of the Carribean, it never once lost sync, sound or image quality.

Also, our other DVD player is a £650 DVD player and it's no better than the 360 (and thats going through a £120 component cable).
NokkonWud said:
Odd you would say that, but I have only watched 1 movie all the way through on the 360 and that was Pirates of the Carribean, it never once lost sync, sound or image quality.
lol :/ Just thought I'd mention I'm running through a joytech vga cable here at 1360x768.
It's some Pioneer one, the model eludes me at the moment as I am upstairs and ready for bed, whilst thats downstairs. We got it 3 years ago, so I wouldn't expect it to be of that value now.

We are getting a new one soon though, and a new TV to replace our 42" Sony Plasma.

<3 Top of the range technology.

I'll post the cable and unit models tomorrow.
Eliot said:
thats exactly my point, it gets on my nerves that if you say something on this forums and the odds are against you it turns into, you must be blind or your tv's ******* ****

Jeez, theres no need to get all heated up about it. Some people are saying they have a problem and notice issues with the playback, some are saying they find nothing wrong with it.
Its all pie in the sky anyway as there are endless amounts of 360 configs (resolutions, pal modes, connection type, the actual movie your playing etc etc) before you even get onto the quality of the display too, or indeed what its being compared to (20 quid Lidl special or a top end unit).
No ones calling you a liar or blind, theres a difference of opinion its as simple as that. Theres really no need to go on a defensive against anyone (except the troll earlier) as we are all talking about the same machine which we own and love.
Personally I just stated I had dropped frames too to help alleviate the OP fears of having a dodgy unit and didnt really expect this to turn into a slagging match between the for and against camp.
Ho hum, another day of internet "debate"
I found the games(PGR3 ) to be less sharp than the dvd i tried today which is not good and yes i'm running 720P output on a 92" screen with a sony projector
very dark picture so i don't know what's going on with that . Lets just hope they bring out a HDMI lead soon.
Just had a quick test with mine and it was spot on,
no loss of sync or jutters etc!

Using VGA out to a Dell 19" with optical 5.1 looked
and sounded great to me!

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