Cant get new sofas through living room door

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Which doesn't do the second hand value any good! Always amazes me the number of people who take stuff to the tip that would sell easily on Facebook/Gumtree and not only bring in a few quid but get it collected from your door!

Fair point, its often a timing thing though
Cant handle keeping the old and the new at the same time, would I rather sit on the floor to make a few quid on my old sofa, or dump it the day before my new one arrives.

Ofc this depends on how good it is and how cheap you want to sell the old one for.

I have a bunk bed at the back of my garage that was supposed to be gum tree'd 2 years ago. I would now need to move so much stuff to get pics it just sits there lol

I was jesting about the sledge hammer anyway, hence the ;)

As he knows the sofa wont come out for the giggles I would advertise it really cheap when selling and say buyer has to remove from lounge.
See how much fun they have trying to get it out ;)

"Sorry I dont remember how they got it in" ;)
27 May 2003
Am decluttering my place prior to a house move and am putting things up on Gumtree. Such a faff at times for not much money for items. Am tempted to take bits to the local dump/recycling center. They have a part where if it's good enough for resale they keep it to one side and other people can have a butcher's and buy it. So it doesn't get wasted. Council would get the money I'd imagine.
Am hoping my house buyer's (FTB) want my sofa so it will save me the hassle of having people round to look at it and shift it out of the house. Will give them a decent discount.
At least it does fit through the doors, which helps! :D
1 Mar 2010
Have we had a result yet? Intrigued if it's in or he's just sat in the hall.
yes, need proof of life, sofa picture with todays newspaper ? ... but he maybe a photoshop wiz

Did not look like a Bovis home, but had it been, the house will probably disintegrate around the sofa - removal problem solved
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