Captain Marvel (2019)

Just look at the comments under that video - 100's of people just making up rubbish about what Brie Larson said.

We've really reached peak "take comments out of context", it reminds me of this gag from the Simpsons from 25 years ago!

How ironic. You complain about taking things out of context, but then you complain about the Youtube comments instead of addressing the contents of the video. Random Youtube comments are worthless, how about you actually address the contents of the video if you're going to do your usual white-knighting in this thread? Otherwise you're just making a deflection, not a discussion.

Otherwise I'll just assume you've got no arguments regarding the facts of what Nerdorotic talked about.
How ironic. You complain about taking things out of context, but then you complain about the Youtube comments instead of addressing the contents of the video. Random Youtube comments are worthless, how about you actually address the contents of the video if you're going to do your usual white-knighting in this thread?

Otherwise I'll just assume you've got no arguments regarding the facts of what Nerdorotic talked about.

I can't really watch an 11 minute Youtube video at work, so I've not seen it.
I can't really watch an 11 minute Youtube video at work, so I've not seen it.

My point exactly! You talk about the comments which does nothing but try to tar the video with the same brush. The video says a lot of interesting things about the way this movie is being marketed by the way it's attacking the fans.
I think the reason for the bad reviews is simple, you can tell how bad a film is when the trailer doesn't show a woman smiling enough.

I mean all those other super hero films where you saw the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, etc all smiling throughout the trailers obviously did it right, that one of Tony Stark looking really happy whilst talking to his helmet in the new Avengers trailer was great, you could really see he was enjoying himself.

Slightly more seriously I have noticed a very definite pattern of people seeming to decide a film is going to be bad purely because it casts someone that doesn't match their mental image of the character (even when that character has been portrayed a dozen different ways in the past on screen and even more in print/on stage) and filling in reviews online before the film is out.

I've noticed it with books to a lesser degree, but in even more stupid ways, including one star reviews for books that an author has announced but hasn't even started writing:p

I tend to ignore most reviews until the film is out widely, and even then I tend not to take any from random people very seriously as I don't know how objective they are, or how reliable they are, but there are a few sites and people whose reviews I know tend to be reliable (and will try to be objective even when they don't like the genre/subject matter).
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I think the reason for the bad reviews is simple, you can tell how bad a film is when the trailer doesn't show a woman smiling enough.

There are no bad reviews. You can't review films on Rotten Tomatoes before the film is released. You can only state whether you are interested in seeing the film of not. Given that Brie Larson has started to demonize the fans, some of them have stated they've been put off seeing the film and are no longer interested. This has been reported as fans performing misogynist attacks in advance of the film, even though it's actually Brie Larson going after white men with impunity (ie sexism and racism), putting off some of the large male fanbase of these movies from going to see this one at all.

That's Hollywood movies, and I believe that 12.5 percent black reflects the exact population break of the US. I don't see anyone complaining about the near total lack of white representation in Bollywood movies, or lack of blacks in French cinema, or how the Chinese cinema is full of Chinese actors.

Really, I'm quite saddened that it's all become so divisive instead of people just making good movies.
I think the reason Steampunk and others are getting their jimmys rustled is this..

A total non story imo.

No, it's not just that though is it. It's things like the virtue signalling press attacking people on rotten tomatoes as sexist and misogynist, just because they are not interested in seeing the film. Then you get Larson saying things like she's not interested in the opinion of "white men", she doesn't want "white men" on the press tour because of a conversation she had with a black female reviewer. When publications explain why they hire who they hire, she calls it "excuses", even though the split is pretty much in line with the US racial demographic. When you call out a specific demographic based on their colour and gender (supported by your virtue signalling friends in the media), it's no wonder that demographic gets put off seeing your movie, especially when they are then further targeted as misogynistic and racist because they were alienated. Targeting a group based on their gender and colour is the definition of sexism and racism.

As Nerdorotic says, it's not mentioned how all these racist misogynist white men hated Alita Battle Angel - probably because they liked the film and there was no attempt to attack the fans. Instead we get Marvel doing "The Future is Female", when in fact the future is for everyone. We get Larsen doing a Go-Fund-Me to send girls to the movies to see Captain Marvel, excluding boys, etc. Marvel Comics and movies have always been primarily fuelled by males, and yet they've loved good characters and stories, regardless of gender and race. Attacking their major demographic in order to try and gain marketshare with females is a cynical and ultimately divisive strategy that we've seen with LucasArts and now with Marvel.

Now I've got to go off and complain about all the Disney Princesses because that's obviously a disproportionately represented gender that excludes males. Oh no, I won't because those were great films and characters that didn't need to attack their fans to become popular with special interest groups.
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