Captain Marvel (2019)

Rottern tomatoes "want to see" poll down to 28% . Looks like all this SJW stuff is taking its toll .. AS the saying goes. Get woke go broke...
It's weird, I think that's the first time I've ever heard that phrase, and it's not at all surprising it's been used in the same sentence as SJW stuff.

Anyone who has missed out on the "SJW stuff" in comics (where women/people of colour/minorities are treated the same/fighting for equality) has obviously never actually read them, for at least something like 50 years...;)

It's like the people that complain about the SJW stuff in star trek yet proclaim to be massive fans of the series (who just happen to have missed massive parts of the background from the pilot of the original series onwards).
Surprise surprise this is getting review bombed on rotten tomatoes by white guys because of what they perceive as racism/"Third wave feminist agendas" blah blah.

Funny of the only two marvel movies to get review bombed before they came out, one featured a predominantly black cast and the other has a female lead...

They think Brie Larson is racist because she said:

Edit - early ''social media" reviews are very positive by the way.

The funny thing about her take on the critic bit is that it's an industry with zero barrier to entry. Everyone and their retarded little lapdog is a critic nowadays and can get their opinions included in the RT score. If there's a shortage of non white men in the industry, it has nothing all to do with the "white men" that are a part of it. Are you a black woman that loves movies so damn much you want your opinion to be known in a professional manner? Start up a Youtube channel like everyone else and get to work. Like every other nonsense representation argument, the fault lies solely in the demo that she feels isn't represented. Her stupid comment implies there is a white guy network of moustache twirling fedora hat wearers drinking gin and smoking cigarettes with holders in a back room somewhere laughing about how they keep those blacks and women out of their interview club. Hardly surprising Mickey "Big Phallus" Mouse has swung around and got her to curb the stupid somewhat, guess her dream of being Captain Misandry can wait a while.

If you took her words, and replaced white male with any other group, you'd be outraged. Its a pretty simple litmus test. I'm shocked you continue to fail it. Here, lets try. This is a DIRECT quote:

“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly Jewish. So, I spoke to Dr Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other white men, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as the Jews. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.’

“are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old Jew to tell me what didn’t work for him about Mein Kampf. It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to white men, to Christian Men.”

Hardly surprising the RT score currently, they pick a D-list Marvel heroine, pick an unattractive and outspokenly feminist actress to play her, dress her in the least sexy possible iteration of her comic book appearance, and write what appears to be a generic and forgettable story about her.

Then they blame the results on misogyny of the public instead of their own retarded decisions, Seems they forgot who the audience is.
It's getting really stupid with regards to her strength and abilities. Fiege goes on to confirm she is stronger than Thanos and is one of the most powerful in the comics: Which she is not. She is mid tier in the comics, losing to the likes of Ronan. I can see why people are getting fed up or disillusioned with her portrayal.
And to be honest, how many of the people going to watch the movie at the cinema have read the comics and the various different worlds within the comics regarding the various characters?
It's getting really stupid with regards to her strength and abilities. Fiege goes on to confirm she is stronger than Thanos and is one of the most powerful in the comics: Which she is not. She is mid tier in the comics, losing to the likes of Ronan. I can see why people are getting fed up or disillusioned with her portrayal.

hmm, thats not good - if thanos isn't a threat then whats the point of the character, where's the drama?

hopefully he was exaggerating
She will have to have some woke transformation to become superpowerul.

Channel all her years of oppression and fire it at thanos, with some anal swj line......

It will be rubbed into your face all film like colonizer bs.
It's getting really stupid with regards to her strength and abilities. Fiege goes on to confirm she is stronger than Thanos and is one of the most powerful in the comics: Which she is not. She is mid tier in the comics, losing to the likes of Ronan. I can see why people are getting fed up or disillusioned with her portrayal.

Ronan? The guy with the blue face?

He was a nobody in Guardians lol
Not read anything about this other than the trailer, never read the comics, dont care about any SJW'ing, will watch either way and judge on its own merits. :) Though I am a little jaded about super hero movies.
ethan doesn't understand this, it's been pointed out to him so many times and he still complains every single MCU post.
... And you keep saying the same thing :)

You are right about me not liking the way the MCU treats the comic characters. But they are even lying about them now?
... And you keep saying the same thing :)

You are right about me not liking the way the MCU treats the comic characters. But they are even lying about them now?

It’s not lying if they own the characters, they are just inventing them for a different medium.
Lol. There's definately a lot of invention going on when she is not amongst the most powerful in the comics. Must be re-invention ;)
I don't get involved in the internet SJE nonsense I'm just rather looking forward to this. I like Carol Danvers in her comic iteration (best was around the time of civil war and the Skrill war) so I'll give it a go at least.
I bet the film will be great, wont shut up those scruffy 45yr old virgins in middle America seething about it on there yootoob channels.
Same crap with Startrek Discovery, rant rant rant... sadder than a box of dead puppies.
Just for You :D
100% 45 year old virgin there :D
Careful, there's at least one massive spoiler in there.
I'w read whole plot on Reddit and the bad guy and cat can actually be the best parts of this movie.
would go and see it like all previous MCU films but since im a white dood there is no place for Me in the cinema :D
I bet the film will be great, wont shut up those scruffy 45yr old virgins in middle America seething about it on there yootoob channels.
Same crap with Startrek Discovery, rant rant rant... sadder than a box of dead puppies.

No one would care if the film is good. If the stories and characters are great, no one is going to criticise it. People loved female leads and characters in many, many other films because those films and characters were good.

It's telling that the recent trend of attacking the fans started with the likes of Ghostbusters 3, TFA, TLJ, Star Trek Discovery, etc and other moves that put agenda before story and characters. Those movies were rightly criticised for their poor stories and poor characters, but the studios attacked the fans. It's no wonder the fans decided to not be fans any more.

Even after Solo did badly due to fan boycotts (after the fans were attacked for criticising TLJ), Lucasfilm, Disney, and now Marvel have just doubled-down on attacking their fanbase. This is not the way to get people to like your product and spend money going to see your movies.
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