Captain Marvel (2019)

Let's face it, to a lot of men having a leading lady is a feminist agenda.
If that’s the case why are people that take exception to the movie are recommending others to go see Alita instead? And that there was none of this controversy with Wonder Woman? Brie Larson as a person is 90% of the issue here.
Here a lot of man baby's harping on about some 'feminist agenda' within the film, but is it ACTUALLY present or is it just because there's a leading lady?
Er, nobody has a problem with a leading lady, Wonder Woman was great. I think you have missed the point entirely over the whole issue.
Er, nobody has a problem with a leading lady, Wonder Woman was great. I think you have missed the point entirely over the whole issue.

I was talking more specifically about the plethora of negative reviewers on sites like MC and RT as apposed to anyone in here (though there are several examples a few pages back of people getting a little hyperbolic).
@Lord-Jaffa I started that thread because I thought that the scores for some films were unduly high because of virtue signalling. I like Black Panther and Wonder Woman I just think they were given much higher praise than better films in the same genre because they were perceived to have ticked some none entertainment related boxes.

I mean Black Panther for Best Picture Oscar, it wasn't even close to best MCU movie for 2018.
Amazingly I managed to watch the film without thinking about any gender based political agendas.

The audience was well over 90% male (I am definitely assuming gender based on life experience :D).

I honestly wouldn't make a fuss about reviews. Choose to go and see it based on whether or not you are happy to pay to another MCU film at the cinema or not. The fact a small coffee cost me more than half the price of a standard ticket is my biggest gripe but needs must.
The trouble I have with this film is it seems like a blatant cash grab before endgame.

Releasing a film a month before the big finale of this arc with a character that appears from nowhere that's going to play a large role in endgame makes it a bit of a must see for fans and the only (legal) way is at the cinema.

If endgame was a year away this is the kind of film I'd rent for a couple of quid when I'm bored one night.
The trouble I have with this film is it seems like a blatant cash grab before endgame.

Releasing a film a month before the big finale of this arc with a character that appears from nowhere that's going to play a large role in endgame makes it a bit of a must see for fans and the only (legal) way is at the cinema.

If endgame was a year away this is the kind of film I'd rent for a couple of quid when I'm bored one night.

Every sequel is a cash grab. I couldn't care less to be honest as long as it is entertaining.
Half full is really busy on opening night now?
for a midnight showing on a work/school night, the only time I've ever seen it busier was IIRC the first of the new Star Wars Films out and that had people in costume so not exactly your normal opening night;)
It's basically as full as I've ever seen it, most of the time regardless of what film we go to see the Imax screen is maybe at 25% full (it seems very rare for the cheap seats to fill up).

When I say half full, I mean at least that as I was up in the gallery which doesn't really give a good view down on the other seats, but from where I was it was well over half full (the Gallery was full, most of the "premium" seats were filled from the glance I got as I walked in, I didn't see the cheaper seats). A quick check for tonight shows the same thing on the booking screen, a full gallery the middle block of seats (the premium ones) full, and a good portion of the basic seats filled.
I think the "Isense" screen was similar as someone was buying a ticket for it as I picked up the hotdogs and the girl on the till was saying something about not much choice on where to sit.

Out of curiosity I did a little check with the online booking, tonight it looks like it's about 75% full overall in the Imax (gallery and centre block full with decent overspill to cheap seats), about the same in the Isense, nearly at capacity in the 2d and only the standard 3d screen is less than 50%, that's four screens in use and me checking one showing per screen.
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Women have given it bad reviews, black men have given it bad reviews, white men have given it good reviews - the narrative that "white man babies" hate this film because it has a leading lady is just dishonest. People of all sexes and skin colours have both liked/disliked the film based on the films quality.

I would say however that I sadly think this will get more negative reviews due to the Actress herself, rather than from the quality of the film, which is a waste of a review for me.
I went for the midnight showing of Prometheus (don't judge me, lifelong alien fan) and it was rammed, they even had to open a second screen at late notice a few days before due to popularity.
Women have given it bad reviews, black men have given it bad reviews, white men have given it good reviews - the narrative that "white man babies" hate this film because it has a leading lady is just dishonest. People of all sexes and skin colours have both liked/disliked the film based on the films quality.

I would say however that I sadly think this will get more negative reviews due to the Actress herself, rather than from the quality of the film, which is a waste of a review for me.

Exactly the "sexist man baby" is just pure rubbish. I haven't even seen a Youtube comment on review videos let alone the actual review saying that they dislike this movie because of the sex of the actor, it's always for the reasons you describe..
Seen it this afternoon, I really enjoyed it

Had plenty of humour and I think the casting was spot on
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