The issue is from reviews she is like that for the majority of the film...She doesn't smile in the trailer, man. That means she'd probably lop your balls off given half a chance.
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The issue is from reviews she is like that for the majority of the film...She doesn't smile in the trailer, man. That means she'd probably lop your balls off given half a chance.
If that’s the case why are people that take exception to the movie are recommending others to go see Alita instead? And that there was none of this controversy with Wonder Woman? Brie Larson as a person is 90% of the issue here.Let's face it, to a lot of men having a leading lady is a feminist agenda.
If that’s the case why are people that take exception to the movie are recommending others to go see Alita instead? And that there was none of this controversy with Wonder Woman?
They don't like blondes?
On opening night? Really? I saw Infinity war at my local and all 4 Imax screens were fully booked for the midnight showing.Half full for a midnight showing is pretty busy!
Er, nobody has a problem with a leading lady, Wonder Woman was great. I think you have missed the point entirely over the whole issue.Here a lot of man baby's harping on about some 'feminist agenda' within the film, but is it ACTUALLY present or is it just because there's a leading lady?
Er, nobody has a problem with a leading lady, Wonder Woman was great. I think you have missed the point entirely over the whole issue.
Er, nobody has a problem with a leading lady, Wonder Woman was great. I think you have missed the point entirely over the whole issue.
Im not reading another thread to find the point you're trying to make, what was the issue, that the female character wasn't played by a white male?Yet in this thread, people did have an issue with wonder woman...
I mean Black Panther for Best Picture Oscar, it wasn't even close to best MCU movie for 2018.
The trouble I have with this film is it seems like a blatant cash grab before endgame.
Releasing a film a month before the big finale of this arc with a character that appears from nowhere that's going to play a large role in endgame makes it a bit of a must see for fans and the only (legal) way is at the cinema.
If endgame was a year away this is the kind of film I'd rent for a couple of quid when I'm bored one night.
for a midnight showing on a work/school night, the only time I've ever seen it busier was IIRC the first of the new Star Wars Films out and that had people in costume so not exactly your normal opening nightHalf full is really busy on opening night now?
Women have given it bad reviews, black men have given it bad reviews, white men have given it good reviews - the narrative that "white man babies" hate this film because it has a leading lady is just dishonest. People of all sexes and skin colours have both liked/disliked the film based on the films quality.
I would say however that I sadly think this will get more negative reviews due to the Actress herself, rather than from the quality of the film, which is a waste of a review for me.