Captain Marvel (2019)

Blimey this is getting slagged on IMDB but you guys love it!? Shirley the matrix is broken!?
The way it's been blown out of proportion by some of my favourite anti sjw type YouTubers is actually quite sad. Maybe in becoming increasingly more of a pussy.

All I see is 3rd party shill sites deleting fake bad reviews. Its an average good marvel film...
Interesting her name is Carol Danvers, the tv show Supergirl is Kara Danvers Wonder if that's a coinkydink or not.
To clarify, i would trust you guys more than the usual suspects on IMDB. It just feels like a massive agenda, kind of like how everyone hailed Black Panther as the second coming of christ.

It's definitely worth a watch. I admit I am biased as I am massive comic book fan. It's decent and above average 'marvel' grade. Still light years better than most competition in the same genre. One thing I wanted to point out

She was waaaaaaaay overpowered. Definitely a heavy hitter but not sure if she was introduced like that for the sake of end game.

Interesting her name is Carol Danvers, the tv show Supergirl is Kara Danvers Wonder if that's a coinkydink or not.

Good point, it has never occurred to me. Think its more coincidence rather than DC/Marvel rip off.
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Saw this last night. Glad I read several reviews first as I went in expecting it to be absolute trash, I only wanted to watch it to see how it will tie in with End Game. It wasn't the best marvel film by any means but it was very very decent, solid 7/10 from me, don't know what all the moaning is about tbh.

Oh, and I didn't rate Black Panther at all. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about.
Had to laugh at the numerous injuries Fury took to around his eye area, all of which you expected to be the injury he got that left him wearing an eye patch.
I enjoyed it. Thought it was one of the funniest Marvel films they've done. Special effects were cool. Story was okay. Samuel L Jackson was ace. Brie Larson was a little wooden; she doesn't quite have the presence that Gal Godot had in Wonder Woman. It sits around the middle of my Marvel top to bottom list.
I enjoyed it. Thought it was one of the funniest Marvel films they've done. Special effects were cool. Story was okay. Samuel L Jackson was ace. Brie Larson was a little wooden; she doesn't quite have the presence that Gal Godot had in Wonder Woman. It sits around the middle of my Marvel top to bottom list.

Much better and more substance than WW imo.
I love all the 90’s look and nods. Although you have to really lived through it to really appreciate it.

Alta Vista search engine.
The look of the website.
The beige computers
The CD and loading “what’s it doing?”
Blockbuster video
Stealing the motorcycle, nod to T2
Didn't think it was very good. If this was made purely as a standalone and not being proped up by Infinity War and Endgame I don't think people would be so keen on it. I think also the problem is its timing. Nothing has danger in it. You know for a fact everyone will be okay. I can't help but feel tired by the MCU typical direction lines.
Interesting her name is Carol Danvers, the tv show Supergirl is Kara Danvers Wonder if that's a coinkydink or not.

Could be a coincidence, but one account is that the original creator of the Carol Danvers character, said he may have been subconsciously thinking of Supergirl when creating the character, even though the character was completely different and had no powers then. He can't be accused of trying to copy Supergirl, because Danvers had no powers for about 8 years. I doubt someone would think when creating a character, that in 8 years time, I'll give him/her super powers...
Wathced it last night, really enjoyed it. Like some others have said i like the 90s stuff (my era), the music, old tech and what we had to put up with lol (loading CD). Don't know why its getting slated in places, i enjoyed it more than black panther, the origin story and how it tied things together to what we already know was done really well. In terms of enjoyment apart from the second attempt at fantastic four, and iron man 3 i havent really come across a bad marvel film yet, and they werent awful awful in my eyes, but as someone else has also stated if your a comic/marvel fan then i think its really hard to come across a marvel film that you dont get at least some sort of enjoyment out of.

The film was great, its setup things very nicely for endgame and i think we can all agree we cant wait for it to come out :)
Watched in the Trafford centre yesterday and I'd give it a Dark World on the MCU scale. Found it a bit boring during the mid part although when there was action it was alright.

Hope this character is not the saviour of end game as thought it was a bit meh.
I watched it today, and I really liked it.

I'm generally quite easy to please when it comes to films, so far from a harsh critic, but I'd put this one above most of the other Marvel films I've seen.
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