I think you need to research what a detonator does.

(Captain Marvel fulfils this role) If they were nukes, she would have likely set them off, but as they exploded conventionally we assume they aren't.
Don't confuse this with bomb disposal where where most are old WWII bombs and either have lost a lot of their explosive potential or they use Trepanation (explosive contents are extracted through a combination of steam and acid bath liquefaction of bomb contents) before a safe detonation.
The only argument would be the lack of oxygen, but then there shouldn't have been an explosion at all in that case, so it still fails.
We have better weapons than the Kree, even with WWII level nukes being more powerful, but lacking on the delivery system.
0.015 Mt (megaton) 15 kilotons of TNT is the power of the Hiroshima Bomb.
1.2 Mt biggest nuke the USA has in 2012, but probably at lot less as it was small in size, as was the explosion, under 0.015 Mt. The Nuke used in Avengers Assemble that destroyed the Chitauri mothership.
3 Mt The total energy of all explosives used in World War II, including the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bombs.
50 Mt biggest nuke tested.
1460 Mt The total global nuclear arsenal is about 15,000 nuclear warheads. We had 60,000 - 70,000 in the 1980's.
100,000,000+ Mt Chicxulub impactor, Dino Killer asteroid.
My argument still stands, if you send in a heavy object at high speed (most are already moving at high speed) at a planet that planets ecosystem is shafted.
You don't need explosive missiles. Star Wars gets this even worse with insanely expensive death stars, that could be replaced with space rocks pushed in the right direction. ^^