Caption Competition

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It took a freak blizzard and a lucky search on Google Earth to reveal that Ayre's Rock was in fact a gateway to hell.
Pumpkinstew said:
Amongst the foul obscenities and loathsome snarls just one discernible word could be understood, repeated slavishly like a skipping record....

ok dude, this is the one that made me laugh :D

now go eat some chocolate, and get us a new pic!
Bill crabbers world record attempt to be the first human to be inflated by helium, ended in tragedy today. His wife was devasted that he had to go like that, but was thankful that everyone got a free souviner.

EDIT: Heck - looks like the judging was done early :(
Belmit said:
Gavin turned to Jimmy in the club, rather unimpressed; "I don't think these are kicking in y...... SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!"

Bwahahaha... :D

How about:

"Well, Tracey from Leeds, you turned down Blind Date Number one and number three...come in Number Two!!!!"

Shoseki said:
ok dude, this is the one that made me laugh :D

now go eat some chocolate, and get us a new pic!

I win. Hurrah :)
The last one was a bit grim so here's a more cuddly one for you to utterly subvert with lewd insinuations. :cool:

The bears name is Coco should you need it.


Just so we're clear on one thing. That's not me in the suit.

Game on.
Pumkinstew wondered wether she could set light to the bear with the candles on her birthday cake. (Sorry couldnt resist... if you aint in the bear suit...)
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