Popcorn! Popcorn! £5 a bucket!
No takers?
two tubs for me please!
Popcorn! Popcorn! £5 a bucket!
No takers?
This is a wind up surely............charging phone to make the call ????? got a phone downstairs but still charging mobile to make the call ???? OH COME ON !!!
two tubs for me please!
This is a wind up surely............charging phone to make the call ????? got a phone downstairs but still charging mobile to make the call ???? OH COME ON !!!
He said he can't see to go downstairs - because it's dark or something
Excellent - I take paypal
Jesus, this has to be a wind up surely ?, there's no way in this planet I'd be sleeping if my Carbon Monoxide alarm went off, at the very least I suggest you get the garden hose and sellotape it to your mouth and hang the end out of the window.
Guess cos its night time........
i would also suggest waking everyone in your house up as well if you havent already done so, it is nicer to have them shout at you if this is a false alarm then run the risk of being at their funeral if you live.
does feeling sick, lightheaded and tight chest make it worse, or are those severe signs
/worried :S
To all those having a laugh - normally I'd join in, but I think Aaron really might be stupid enough to end up killing himself. Then how guilty will you feel. I'm not going to end up causing myself a guilt trip...so for once....SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP NOW
True, he should blatantly send an e-mail, IT Crowd style.
"To whom it may...no that's too formal.
Look forward to hearing from you!
You'rs sincerely, Aaron."
Jesus, this has to be a wind up surely ?, there's no way in this planet I'd be sleeping if my Carbon Monoxide alarm went off, at the very least I suggest you get the garden hose and sellotape it to your mouth and hang the end out of the window.
Jesus, this has to be a wind up surely ?, there's no way in this planet I'd be sleeping if my Carbon Monoxide alarm went off, at the very least I suggest you get the garden hose and sellotape it to your mouth and hang the end out of the window.