Mmmmm. Quality should always win out, but promotion boards still focus on the content of the narrative (not necessarily the promotion recommendation) and secondary & associated duties are still a massive factor. Quite wrongly in my opinion. These days, most trades are stretched, with out of area Ops committments leaving big gaps at home. These 'gaps' are normally filled by others doing that little bit extra.
The bulk of personnel I know are honest professionals who work extremely hard. There are some who play the game, picking up a secondary duty purely to try and get promoted. Back in the day, a secondary duty was just that and often had to be completed out of hours. These days certain people put more into their secondary duties (knowing full well it's a skive, and to a certain extent 'encouraged' by the system to do so), than into their core duties. The honest hard working types suffer as they pick up more at work and then are disadvantaged when promotion boards sit.
The new SJAR was supposed to bring parity. IMHO todays promotion process is archaic and not at all fair. An excellent tradesman who works flat out all day every day often loses out to the workshy chancer who sits on some high profile charity committee purely to avoid work and get a leg-up on the promotion ladder. It stinks, just my tuppence worth.
There isn't even a section on SJAR's to comment about secondary duties (as opposed to the old 6000's) there is less focus on them now.