Ok.. after seeing it.. I like the movie and surprisingly I can just about prise Craig for the character. It's a good action movie. It's not a bond movie though. I understand the notion of "getting back to the basics" but you can't do that in established franchise. You can't say things didn't happen, and could we all forget it and start from the scratch. It just doesn't make sense.
My first complaint:
For the past 20 odd years we were getting used to agent with license to kill, with arsenal of ultra modern, often ridiculous toys to play with. He had wit, charm, he had fun. Yes, the aqualungs in pens were idiotic, invisible cars were just mockery, but this was Bond's standard equipment. Whether we liked it or not. Which puts new Bond in unfortunate position of being practically redundant - we have a marginal, small fish villain with money for terrorist plot. The old bond would drive into the casino, shoot the guy in the forhead with some ultra modern pen gun and move to saving world from real villains. This Bond will spend weeks wasting time on some unimportant, small time fund organizing foot soldier whos terrorist targets are borderline laughable and unimportant considering the scale of previous Bond tasks. This should be Jack Bauer The Movie type of picture. Not Bond.
It takes about 45 minutes into the movie before basic plot line is revealed. Until certain point we don't get to know what on earth is all the mess and shooting about. You can accept action as it is. Or question the sense of it. If you do the latter you will want to walk out from the cinema, because it has plot holes of a size of channel tunnel. So, don't overthink it, it's not suppposed to make sense, it's there just for action and shooting.
As an action movie 8 out of 10
As a 007 movie - this is back to Timothy Dalton's Bond for the sake of it - 3 out of 10