Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

Hedge said:
Its not that confusing really. Its earlier than other bonds yes... but its filmed later.... obviously.. lol

But why let it be set in the present? If the story was set before the other films, why doesn't the sets reflect that? Plenty of films are set in the past easily enough, with old cars and costumes.

I heard a lot of confused people during and after the film about who he was.

"Did he replace the old 007 then?" - "No, he's the same guy."
"Why is he just getting his 007 name then? When he had that years ago. Sean Connery already had it back in the sixties, so this must be a new Bond because he's only just been given his own" - "No love, it's set before the others, but after them. If that makes sense?"

"No, it doesn't."

Ok.. after seeing it.. I like the movie and surprisingly I can just about prise Craig for the character. It's a good action movie. It's not a bond movie though. I understand the notion of "getting back to the basics" but you can't do that in established franchise. You can't say things didn't happen, and could we all forget it and start from the scratch. It just doesn't make sense.
My first complaint:
For the past 20 odd years we were getting used to agent with license to kill, with arsenal of ultra modern, often ridiculous toys to play with. He had wit, charm, he had fun. Yes, the aqualungs in pens were idiotic, invisible cars were just mockery, but this was Bond's standard equipment. Whether we liked it or not. Which puts new Bond in unfortunate position of being practically redundant - we have a marginal, small fish villain with money for terrorist plot. The old bond would drive into the casino, shoot the guy in the forhead with some ultra modern pen gun and move to saving world from real villains. This Bond will spend weeks wasting time on some unimportant, small time fund organizing foot soldier whos terrorist targets are borderline laughable and unimportant considering the scale of previous Bond tasks. This should be Jack Bauer The Movie type of picture. Not Bond.

It takes about 45 minutes into the movie before basic plot line is revealed. Until certain point we don't get to know what on earth is all the mess and shooting about. You can accept action as it is. Or question the sense of it. If you do the latter you will want to walk out from the cinema, because it has plot holes of a size of channel tunnel. So, don't overthink it, it's not suppposed to make sense, it's there just for action and shooting.

As an action movie 8 out of 10
As a 007 movie - this is back to Timothy Dalton's Bond for the sake of it - 3 out of 10
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I prefer a more realistic Bond and this fitted in well I thought to the franchise. I don't like it when the gadgets take over the movie like in later Bonds. Felt it was a bit slow for a couple of bits but really enjoyed the starting chase.

There was a bit too obvious product placement but not very surprising considering who distributed it.

Thought it was nice to see M's character changing a bit when she was making the joke about preferring the cold war with what we saw in GoldenEye. Ending was very good I thought once it got going a bit.
Watched this last night. Fantastic film and hopefully the rest of the series will be as good. I think it makes a nice change to have a more realistic style Bond compared to the slightly silly stuff the previous films have had.
v0n said:
I understand the notion of "getting back to the basics" but you can't do that in established franchise. You can't say things didn't happen, and could we all forget it and start from the scratch. It just doesn't make sense.

Why not? They did it with Batman Begins, and that's probably the best Batman movie yet. Any complaints about that one?

Also, I'm not sure what plotholes you're complaining about. It made sense from where I was sitting.
I tried to see it yesterday but it was sold out everywhere!! I think people are getting to confused. I get the feeling you are not supposed to take the films in any kind of order, they are just stories with the same character. Some people are obviously taking it a little to seriously;)
vonhelmet said:
Why not? They did it with Batman Begins, and that's probably the best Batman movie yet. Any complaints about that one?

Oh yeah, the "batman is a ninja from chinese prison" plot. Yeah, that made soooo much sense as well.

Also, I'm not sure what plotholes you're complaining about. It made sense from where I was sitting.

We can't discuss it without major spoilers, so let's wait.
vonhelmet said:
Because "007's have very limited life span", to quote latest film. I always presumed they all basically took the name - James Bond with the 007 license. Who knows, maybe Craig's Bond happens during those two years Brosman's Bond was in prison in Korea? ;)
reasons i liked it:

great action sequences
nice and violent

reasons i disliked it

waaaaaaay too many adverts
Daniel Craig is not Bond
Saw it today, I liked it and thought Craig was very good. I agree with people saying it didn't feel like a Bond film but I think that's the whole point, they are trying to reinvent what people think of a Bond film.

I thought it got a bit confusing at some points with regards to who was on whose side etc but I think a rewatch on DVD will sort that :)
Richeh said:
Saw it today, I liked it and thought Craig was very good. I agree with people saying it didn't feel like a Bond film but I think that's the whole point, they are trying to reinvent what people think of a Bond film.

That's my point - why re-invent something that worked. Craig is great in action movies, he has that russian cab driver toughness about him and does his yobbish punching around with stamina and attitude. But that's not Bond. Any of the Bonds. Bond is about smarts, wit, quick thinking rather than muscle, Bond is a guy that will employ technology to overcome lack of superhuman power. He is everyman. That's why it works. It doesn't need changing. It doesn't need re-inventing.
Daniel Craig could be a lot of things for movie industry - Bourne, nazi commando, Bond villain perhaps.
But as James Bond he fits in the same way as Barbara Streisand fits "astonishing beauty" roles.

Good movie though.
v0n said:
I always presumed they all basically took the name - James Bond with the 007 license.

So did I. As that way, the film and it's time line would make much more sense.

Before we were corrected, me and a lot of my friends all presumed this 007 was the new one, as the Bond played by Brosnan had died or retired or whatever. This dude was then promoted to 007 and took the codename James Bond, and this was his first mission.

If the film was set forty years ago, the film would make sense.
iCraig said:
Before we were corrected, me and a lot of my friends all presumed ...
Oh, so you were corrected? So what's the official line on timeline?
G0dfather said:
Im going to go watch it next week, should be a classic 007 film.
I think you will be quite dissapointed if you go expecting to see a classic bond film, althought it is a great film
v0n said:
That's my point - why re-invent something that worked. Craig is great in action movies, he has that russian cab driver toughness about him and does his yobbish punching around with stamina and attitude. But that's not Bond. Any of the Bonds. Bond is about smarts, wit, quick thinking rather than muscle, Bond is a guy that will employ technology to overcome lack of superhuman power. He is everyman. That's why it works. It doesn't need changing. It doesn't need re-inventing.
Daniel Craig could be a lot of things for movie industry - Bourne, nazi commando, Bond villain perhaps.
But as James Bond he fits in the same way as Barbara Streisand fits "astonishing beauty" roles.

Good movie though.

Think your missing the point of Casino Royale, this Bond just starting his career, he is rough around the edges, very rough infact.... he isnt meant to be smart, sophisticated and quick witted.... those develop with 007 status as the films go along..... I am sure there will be very subtle change in the comming two films from 007, for now, down right brutish/british behaviour fists/guns first ask questions next week is far more refreshing.
G0dfather said:
Im going to go watch it next week, should be a classic 007 film.

Its not, i was hoping the same, and it just isnt, its a bit of a nutcracker :p

Its really dodgy the way it was made. He carries the name James Bond, yet has to be promoted to a 00 and has to kill 2 people to get that status. James Bond has numerous kills and has always been a 00 status apart from in licence to kill. Didnt quite follow what they were trying to get at.

Parts of it plain and simply made me think i was watching MI3 again.

Good film, but it was too action packed for a 007 film IMO. Not sure about Daniel Craig, he would have made a much better villian than Bond, he lacks any elegance at all.
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