Cat was put down today after being shot by an air rifle

Don't take this personally, but its viewpoints like yours that help explain the massacres that have happened over the course of time.

To ever consider an animal as being more valuable than a human, to me is a sign of mental illness.

This is the UK, culture dicatates a domestic animal is the same thing
You are really going to make yourself unpopular if you try argue anything against it no matter how valid your view is.
Better to accept it as is and drop it ><
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that is just sick..

sorry about your lose

it does remind me of something i seen on TV regarding some fool taking a air rifle and shooting a family of swans -.- and that was a factual program regard animals and yes i was board.
What if the cat was attacking a prize bird etc. cats are ruthless, maybe the perp was defending something?

Cats are not that innocent, they are killing machines.
I have to agree with ac1d1ty mostly, I do think something is wrong if you value animal life more than human life. But, it's a whole different story if you are talking about YOUR own pet which is part of your family, it's understandable how you can value your own animal more than a random person. Even though my first thought would be the same ( shoot the person who shot my cat), it's just as retarded, worse actually, it won't solve anything.
However, the choice, xxx animals or a person dies, I'd still pick the xxx animals.

They have no right to be regarded better than an animal because, by their actions, they clearly do not act like compassionate, sentient beings.
But they are far more similar to you genetically. You're nearly the same...
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If someone so much as tried to do anything to our cats they would recieve a big can of whoopass.

It's all about protect your own family, whatever the species, whatever the cost.
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