Cat was put down today after being shot by an air rifle

9 Nov 2004
Horrible news mate :(

Sorry for your loss.

It's always painful to lose a loved one (which any pet is!), but I'd imagine it would be so much worse if it was like that.

I'm glad our two kittens are house cats for this very reason :(
5 Jul 2007
Got to agree these people are cowardly scum!!!!

But amazed at what acts people would do to these scum, stuff the rifle where the sun don't shine, shoot him with it, give him a hiding, etc.

But in my thread Jon Venables Gets Free Guitar Lessons!!!!!

I made it known what l would do to peodo's, murders ,etc and l got jumped on big style. But its funny not one of them have come in the thread and preached " he might have come from a broken home he needs educting, help, etc"

When l asked about the victims rights, hardly aword was said if any.

Sorry folks prefure not to say what l would do to these scum, who do things like this to defenceless animals.

In case l get jumped on by these people!!!!
7 Dec 2008
This story angers me for two very different reasons.
First off it's just disgusting that someone would shoot someone's PET with anything, let alone an airgun. Even in the almost inconceivable circumstance that the cat had done something to warrant being shot, it shows that idiocy of the person to attempt it with a bloody airgun. I'm not a cat fan at all but it's horrible thinking of the poor wee guy dragging himself off somewhere to die.
Secondly, as a gun owner, these are exactly the sort of things that WILL put an end to shooting for all of us before too long. It's these little ******* that give firearms and shooting a bad name and in the end it's us licensed and responsible users that end up paying the price.

I'd be sorely tempted to go all Jack Bauer round your neighbourhood and extract information from everyone until you find out who did it. It'll either be some 14 year old lads or a 75 year old woman with a chip on her shoulder and nothing left to lose.

13 Oct 2004
South Shields
Firstly sorry to hear about your cat.

Its just another example of the state of our once GREAT country.

RIP you must have been one strong cat to get as far as you did.

I'm sorry but WTF!

Cats used to go missing all the time, even when I was younger I knew of adults killing cats who messed in their gardens, put star fish down to kill them, hell I know one person who cross bowed a cat.

All of these are wrong but they happend 15yrs ago and have probably happened since the cat were introduced into this country.

21 Nov 2008
We had our cat fed cat food with many small shards of broken glass in it once by a neighbour, because he didn't like the fact we'd bought a brand new car and he couldn't afford one! (Go figure!)

The cat had a really really nasty death actually. Surprisingly nasty.

what the ****? what came of this?

The cat being killed is not a nice thing indeed.

But just reading over some of the posts on this thread just make me feel :confused:

The people who say that the perpetrator should suffer the same fate are freaks.

The people who say that they feel that the suffering of an animal is worse than a human (yes even on this thread there are some) should honestly take a good long look at their priorities.

Yes its upsetting, cats are nice creatures, but c'mon :/

So shooting defenceless animals that people have owners who love them is acceptable?


My point is the outburst of emotion is puzzling to me, even more so when it comes over the expense of human suffering (read the quotes).

Its sad for the individual, but why some people are bawling their eyes out over something they have never seen is just ludicrous.

If a defenceless human (pref child) is hurt... we are the same way, are you too stupid to realise this?
6 Nov 2004
Secondly, as a gun owner, these are exactly the sort of things that WILL put an end to shooting for all of us before too long. It's these little ******* that give firearms and shooting a bad name and in the end it's us licensed and responsible users that end up paying the price.

Isn't that the plain truth? Without derailing the thread, what you say is exactly the kind of logic lawmakers will use to make a sport/pastime, that I take seriously in terms of safety and responsibility, illegal.
Addressing the symptoms and not the cause of why some people who do things like [thread] are scum.
20 Feb 2007
I would happily kill 20,000 cats for one chav scum that I despise

This is just the kind of elitist human attitude that is making the world turn to ****. I'm guessing you're also pro poaching, battery farming, skinning of live animals and bull fights. I.e. any meagre, insignificant benefit to the human race is worth whatever amount of animal suffering it may cost. The fact is that we are ALL just animals. There is nothing that makes us special, despite what religion wants you to believe.
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12 Jan 2006
Quite, they keep very quiet in these threads I notice.

To be honest, why would they post?

The only outcome is that they will be flamed regardless how reasonable a post it is. Thats just the way it is in the UK (and possibly other places) there is no logic or reason involved so its better to stay clear when there is a thread involving animals.

just because some people keep cats doesn't mean they aren't vermin to others...
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