Caterham v Westfield

Dogbreath said:
It's simply the more established brand name and one associated with very expensive products. That doesn't make it "better"
Where did I say otherwise? :confused: In fact it seems you totally agree with me so I can't understand why your post is written with such a negative stance on mine.

PS: You could have just said you didn't agree with my crappy iPod/Creative analogy. No need to write half an essay :p
NathanE said:
...It's like iPod vs some Creative piece of crap. Most people will prefer to own the real mccoy.

Persil said:
The proble is Nathan is its just a name . Unlike apple and creative the ipod is a better product .

Can you leave off with the bad and inaccurate analogies.

Something like.."its like making love to beautiful woman"... would at least be funny. ;)

As for Caterham v Westfield I think it comes down to personal taste. There's lots of subtle difference between both and only you'll know which you prefer. Better is pretty much subjective in this case.
You might as well say a spoon is better than a fork.


Spork for the win clearly then :p
how about an Ultima?

ok, i know its none of the above, but still....

my bro bought one, no engine or runnigng gear, was going to do it up, but decided to sell it and a guy from Germany came all the way to buy it, got twice as much out of it, so the money is going on the house instead now, but he hopes to get one, and do it all himeself

loverly trackday cars! :cool:

lots of Caterhams @ trackdays
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Dogbreath said:
So two sentences is now an essay? Things must have changed since I was at school.
What is your problem? I said it was a better brand name. I mentioned nothing about the product quality. If you can't keep track of what's been said then you should probably avoid sniping people's posts... because, well... anyone with a scroll wheel will be able to see that you're being an idiot.
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another vote for MNR because of there build Q. I own an mk indy and i wouldnt touch a westy or a caterham, because i cant justify the price tag of either over Mk Mac1 or MNR.

BUT it does really go on what u want one for and budget. I would own a westy/caterham if i was older, less into 'racing', had loads of money and wanted triditional styling and the 'name'. But thats IMHO.

If u want to build yourself then i still recomend the cheaper kits as u cant cut corners on the 2 big guns and any one off modes look odd due to the styling.

go to a few shows and look about at them all, talk to the owners to get some idea of what they are like to own. Its the only way ** going to know, as mags/internet doesnt come close.
NathanE said:
What is your problem? I said it was a better brand name. I mentioned nothing about the product quality. If you can't keep track of what's been said then you should probably avoid sniping people's posts... because, well... anyone with a scroll wheel will be able to see that you're being an idiot.

Calm down, you're about to burst a blood vessel. I know exactly what you said, and my reponse was directly inline with that i.e. you said Caterham was a "better" brand name, MY OPINON is that it is only better in the sense that it's fashionably expensive, like your ipod example.

I haven't been at all argumentative, just stating my opinion. You seem to be awfuly touchy tonight? As for sniping, this thread is about the pros and cons of the Caterham and why it's so expensive is it not? That is what I have been discussing.
Can you blame me for being touchy about this when you quote me and seemingly completely agree with me but then somehow manage to word it in such a way that implies you don't agree with me?

Dogbreath said:
It's simply the more established brand name and one associated with very expensive products. That doesn't make it "better".
There are two ways this can be interpreted:

1. You agree it is a better brand but also felt it necessary to inform me that just because it's a better brand doesn't make it a better product. Clap clap

2. You agree it is a better brand but then contradict yourself by saying that being more established doesn't make it better.

Can you see the confusion here? I'm fairly sure you were trying to say #1 but again, why say it to me as though I've said Caterham is a higher quality product? Because I haven't said that.
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Moorron said:
another vote for MNR because of there build Q. I own an mk indy and i wouldnt touch a westy or a caterham, because i cant justify the price tag of either over Mk Mac1 or MNR.

BUT it does really go on what u want one for and budget. I would own a westy/caterham if i was older, less into 'racing', had loads of money and wanted triditional styling and the 'name'. But thats IMHO.

If u want to build yourself then i still recomend the cheaper kits as u cant cut corners on the 2 big guns and any one off modes look odd due to the styling.

go to a few shows and look about at them all, talk to the owners to get some idea of what they are like to own. Its the only way ** going to know, as mags/internet doesnt come close.

I have a zx12r powered MNR Vortx RT+

The only advantage for buying a caterham or westfield over the others is they can be assembled in a weekend by 2 people...

My Vortx was built in 2 weeks solid work...

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