Caterham v Westfield

TBH, that Indy looks like it has completely the wrong ratio diff, probably a 3.92+

What you couldnt see from that vid was probably how hard the R5 owner was working in the bends compared to the relaxed style of the indy driver..

The 7's really are effortless at those speeds... he wasnt exactly pushing it...

The 5 would stand no chance against mine ;)

Dry sump is only essential on some engines, think it was a luxury on mine, but better safe than sorry

R1 only needs a cheap sump baffle

Gearchage on the indy was a Paddle shift with either a cable or rod linkage

i like the look of the kitcar chasing the 5 turbo :p

the 5 has 270 bhp, the kitcar is the older cbr1000f engine so only has 130 ish. the driver was short shifting a lot due to the car being low on oil (an oil leak earlier on in the day and didnt top up) so didnt want to blow it up.

Heres the excuses....

at the start of the one vid the driver changed gear the wrong way, instead of knocking it down two gears to get the revs up the driver changed up :rolleyes: . Also at more than one accation the driver lifted off, as he cant compete at top speed as the kitcar only gets to about 115mph (as said, really the wrong diff ratio) and again 11 krpm with low oil didnt make him feel to good. But the 5 was able to pull away (it was hard to swollow as the kitcar owner owns a 5 too) at around 80 and up, it wasnt so good for the 5 below that due to it having too much power and just wheel spinning. In the corners he wasnt even trying, he's not confident with it yet. but the 5 wasnt too as its had 15K spent on it and the owner wasnt wanting to hit a tree.

But it certainly feels faster in the kitcar as your sitting on the outside of it.

that kitcar hasnt got any oil controls on it as the older the engine the less likley of trouble due to design.

The R1 engine is probs the best to go for, cheap and plentyfull, more power than the cbr1000f and 20KG lighter!

Nothing a turbo conversion wouldnt sort out tho......hehe

I strongly recomend u get a ride or drive in a bike engined car and a car engined car, i think u will want BEC every time.

it did have the gear lever in the normal place, but he fitted that one (rod) and its much more comfy to use.
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Ah Moorron, didnt you post the vids?

Is it a friend of yours or your car?

Sounds like it has a 3.92 diff for 115mph top speed, 3.62 usually results in around 130 (like mine) which is pretty much as fast as you wanna go in a BEC 7..

3.14's and 3.38's are used to lower crusing rpm, but the dont perform as well on the track, so are a compromise.

Whatever anyone else says, I thought the 7 driver was very smooth and controlled

Dr Who said:
Guy was a mad driver, but it shows how quick these things really are

a little ham fisted, but it looks like he has enough "heart".
he could be improved.

right mr.who..more questions.
do you know anything about the spec of that seven?
is the sequential change achieved using the bike's gearbox or is it a special item for bike engined sevens?
Uses bike box, that is a megabusa from the build a kit car in 7 days dvd...

Mine has a quaiffe reverse box so I get 6 reverse gears sequential as well...

No mods needed to get that fast shifting, once you get the motors on the boil they go like stink...

Dr Who said:
Ah Moorron, didnt you post the vids?

Is it a friend of yours or your car?

Sounds like it has a 3.92 diff for 115mph top speed, 3.62 usually results in around 130 (like mine) which is pretty much as fast as you wanna go in a BEC 7..

3.14's and 3.38's are used to lower crusing rpm, but the dont perform as well on the track, so are a compromise.

Whatever anyone else says, I thought the 7 driver was very smooth and controlled


not saying 'wink wink' :p mates 5 tho. The kitcar has a 3.62 (or is it 3.68) lsd, but its low geared due to the bike engine used. so i really need the 3.38 if i can find one in LSD form.

Thanks for the comments on the drivers skill, makes me feel like a pro. lol
If you're interested in bike engines cars, the Fisher Fury is well worth a look. They're making a killing in the 750MC championship at the moment, and are well regarded as having a very good chassis. They're fantastic cars, a mate works (or used to work) for the factory, building up customer kits, and built his own 170bhp Vauxhall XE powered Fury, twas a beast!
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