Census 2021

Back in my day we had to fill the census in with a biro making sure you followed the sections correctly, missing out the bits that were dependant on your answers to the previous part etc etc. You would need an hour set aside and a brandy to steady your nerves.

This literally took about 5 mins on my iPad. It was far far less bother than I was expecting. Youngsters these days don't know how good they have it.

Looking forward to completing it in VR next time. Although Google will know all the data by then, I can probably just pass it over with a voice command.
They'll probably send the police around to arrest them for being transphobic. How dare they try to have a sense of humour. Also arrest the Jedi's for hate speech.
Tried to fill my census in, but my letter and the census website has an incorrect postcode (new house) and cannot be corrected. It was only out of luck that we received the census in the first place.
Underrated film is Judge Dredd.

"We have a choice, we can stand here right now and create a race of brainwashed morons and call them judges, or we can create some free thinking people, we'll call them human.

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