Census 2021

Simply put I just don't think it's right that the government is forcing people to fill out this form in a threatening manner, like I said, It doesn't sit well with me, mainly I don't feel comfortable filling it in as I feel I'm supporting a methodology that I wholly oppose. I understand compliance is sensible and important it many different situations, for example if your driving a car for of course it should be insured, Taxed, MOT'd etc, you should have to produce documents if stopped by a Police officer, completely agree in these types of scenarios, the paper trail makes sense and is required, but this feels very different, the form is asking questions that are personal in nature and I don't see I should be forced to divulge that information or receive a criminal record.
Which questions (that are mandatory) do you feel are too personal?
Because it’s the law. It’s been a legal requirement to complete the census for over one hundred years.

Why do you think the law doesn’t apply to you?

If it was the law to carry ID documents with you everywhere and if you are found to not be carrying them you are fined would you comply? there is a line surely?, or is it just "It's the law" and that's it? Are we allowed to reasonably question the validity of certain laws? I'm certainly not anti-law freeman of the land type as I stated earlier, I agree with an overwhelming majority of laws, but over time laws and governments policies evolve, and that process often requires said law being put to task or debated.
If it was the law to carry ID documents with you everywhere and if you are found to not be carrying them you are fined would you comply? there is a line surely?, or is it just "It's the law" and that's it? Are we allowed to reasonably question the validity of certain laws? I'm certainly not anti-law freeman of the land type as I stated earlier, I agree with an overwhelming majority of laws, but over time laws and governments policies evolve, and that process often requires said law being put to task or debated.
I'm with you - it's vital that as a society we question things when we don't feel it's fair. It's how we make progress. Just saying 'it's the law' isn't really a very useful stance or point for discussion.
If it was the law to carry ID documents with you everywhere and if you are found to not be carrying them you are fined would you comply?
Not a good example really as I never go out without my wallet which has ID in it.

You've had three visits regarding this, when they turn up and arrest you, will you then fill it in?
Not a good example really as I never go out without my wallet which has ID in it.

You've had three visits regarding this, when they turn up and arrest you, will you then fill it in?
I wonder what drives the arrests. For example, in 2011 94% of the population completed the census - so 6% of the population didn't, yet there were only 120 arrests.
Not a good example really as I never go out without my wallet which has ID in it.

You've had three visits regarding this, when they turn up and arrest you, will you then fill it in?

I asked if you would be ok if it was compulsory to carry ID on you at all times and to be fined if you don't, you didn't answer that.

Also, do you think it's right that you can be arrested and have a criminal record for not filling in the census form? It's all very well saying that's it's the law, but do you agree with it?
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I wonder what drives the arrests. For example, in 2011 94% of the population completed the census - so 6% of the population didn't, yet there were only 120 arrests.

Some of that 6% will be houses that are owned, but not currently occupied, like rental properties with no current renters. Unless the Census people can actual find someone to say that the property is unoccupied, it would be marked as an unanswered census but there would be no person to arrest.

I had a Census guy turn up to the flat opposite mine last week looking for the people who hadn't filled out that form. I told him that the last tenant had moved out last March, and no-one had lived there since, so he marked it down as unoccupied for the statistics. This won't happen for all owned but unoccupied properties.
I asked if you would be ok if it was compulsory to carry ID on you at all times and to be fined if you don't, you didn't answer that.

Also, do you thinks it's right that you can be arrested and have a criminal record for not filling in the census form? It's all very well saying that's it's the law, but do you agree with it?
Because really you are asked to do very few things to live in this country. A census every 10 years is part of your civic duty. However if you cannot be bothered why should anyone be bothered with you when you go to claim your rights as a citizen.
I asked if you would be ok if it was compulsory to carry ID on you at all times and to be fined if you don't, you didn't answer that.
Yes, if that was the situation, it wouldn't bother me at all.

Also, do you think it's right that you can be arrested and have a criminal record for not filling in the census form? It's all very well saying that's it's the law, but do you agree with it?
Yes I do. The census isn't just for now, it provides future generations to look back and learn about the past and I think that's really important.

If you read the opening post in this thread, you'll be able to work out my opinion on people who don't fill out the census.

I just sent a polaroid.
Kept forgetting to do this. The second visit prompted my to finally log on and fill out the census. Took around 15 mins for a household of 2+1child. You feel like a criminal when they turn up asking of you have submitted it :D
wow, to see such willingness and unquestionable compliance at the proposal of a very authoritarian idea is very depressing.
Many countries have an Obligation of identification, it's not something that would affect or bother me.

Back to the point though, why do you feel you shouldn't fill in the census? Why are you repeatedly ignoring requests from officials asking you to fill it in?

You picked me up on not answering your question so now it's my turn.

You've had three visits regarding this, when they turn up and arrest you, will you then fill it in?
You didn't answer this.
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